Can you start the Citadel DLC and finish it later?

As a hardcore Mass Effect fan who has completed full playthroughs across the trilogy too many times to count, I‘ve enjoyed the iconic Citadel DLC during all stages of my journeys. For the uninitiated, this beloved content pack first released in 2013 as a swan song sendoff to Commander Shepard and their squadmates.

Over the years, a common question has continued to echo across forums: can I start the Citadel DLC mid-playthrough, or do I need to hold off?

As someone who has replayed this party-filled storyline more times than I can remember, I‘m here to definitively say that yes, you can absolutely start Citadel the moment it becomes available then wrap things up later.

When Does the Magic Unlock

You gain access to Citadel after completing Priority: Citadel II. This key story beat generally opens up within the first half dozen missions or so of Mass Effect 3‘s main campaign.

Once the trigger occurs, you‘ll get a message aboard the Normandy inviting you to visit your old friend Anderson‘s swanky apartment. Upon arriving, the opening events of the DLC will kickoff, whisking you away on a thrilling adventure exposing a conspiracy tied back to the origins of Commander Shepard themself.

I won‘t spoil the shocking twists and turns, but suffice to say you‘re in for an exhilarating ride as you unite past squadmates for an epic showdown before gathering everyone together to celebrate.

Weighing When to Jump In

Based on many, many playthroughs, I recommend first starting Citadel once it unlocks, but potentially stopping midway depending on your priorities. Here‘s a handy table I‘ve put together showing what you gain and lose by playing earlier vs right before the end:

PlaytimeSquadmates AvailableWar AssetsPriority Quest Option
Early OnLessOnly 70Flexibility to wrap up other quests later
Right Before Final MissionsUp to 13!Still 70Risk missing content if game ends

As you can see, earlier gives more flexibility but less characters, while endgame lets you gather basically everyone but has higher risk. Personally, I think integrating the DLC as a mid-game break hits the sweet spot, letting me reload a save to wrap up any unfinished business later on while bringing my full squad together to celebrate after we‘ve already been on so many adventures.

However you choose, the game clearly conveys a natural stopping point in the DLC after you resolve the main threat and receive an offer for a raucous party. You can safely tuck away Citadel‘s story at this point while dealing with attacks against the galaxy, returning afterwards with renewed courage and camaraderie for the final push.

Reliving Fond Memories

For me and many fans, our shared time together through this epic trilogy makes the nostalgic chance to relax with past squadmates intensely meaningful. Getting the old gang back together lets you catch up with characters you might have handed off to other roles, or in tragic cases, honor fallen heroes who gave their lives to get you this far.

Reconnecting through Citadel‘s slice-of-life shore leave brings out quiet moments and conversations that you rarely get to see elsewhere. Behind the scenes, there‘s laughs, friendship, and in some cases even love if you‘ve kindled the right flames.

Should You Start a War Before the Party?

While you could rush to wrap up Citadel‘s 4+ hours all in one go, I think splitting up your first run allows everything to land with more emotional weight. Taking breaks between gearing up for the final battles lets you fully shift mental modes.

The tonal whipslash of going right from the Reaper War to tossing pies at friends can diminish both experiences. Having some time to reflect after the Citadel‘s crisis wraps up lets you recenter appreciation for the squadmates at your side. You‘ll stand together unified once more when the time comes to make that final push.

Starting the DLC mid-story then circling back is not only fully supported, I think it ultimately enhances the experience for first-timers. That said, hardcore fans like myself will surely marathon the whole adventure start-to-finish as well!

Gather Your Party Before Venturing Forth

To any newcomers who haven‘t yet enjoyed Citadel‘s story: what are you waiting for? This package represents everything that makes Mass Effect wonderful blended into a thrilling yet heartfelt adventure.

There‘s simply no substitute for taking a shore leave and sharing quiet moments with the characters who have saved the galaxy by your side countless times. Even all these years later, connecting with my squadmates still resonates deeply thanks to the incredible writing and nostalgia carried within the Citadel DLC.

I hope this quick guide helps you determine the right time to jump into Citadel based on your personal priorities and roleplaying tendencies! Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions – I could chat about this story content all day long with fellow fans, and I‘m happy to offer whatever insights I can.

In the meantime, I wish you happy re-connections aboard the Citadel! May you find every character interaction as profoundly moving as I always have on each repeated playthrough. This is Commander Shepard signing off; stay strong out there.

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