Can You Still Do Missions After Beating GTA 5?

Yes, there are still many, many missions and activities you can take on in GTA 5 even after completing the main story. From replaying favorite quests to discovering completely new side content, the open world is your criminal oyster.

Replaying Main Missions

Once you finish the plot and witness the epic finale, all main story missions get unlocked for replay under Pause Menu > Game > Replay Missions. Every completed job displays with a medal – ranging from bronze to gold based on performance.

This makes it simple to jump back into the game‘s most explosive moments, whether you want to retry for 100% completion or just relive the high-octane fun.

According to avid GTA reddit users:

"I‘ve replayed dozens of missions trying to get gold medals. It adds challenge after you beat the game."

"Some missions are still a blast the 5th time around. I love replaying minor crime sprees that turn into absolute chaos."

Here are some of the wildest, most replayable GTA 5 missions worth tackling over and over:

Blitz PlayRob an armored truck in downtown Los Santos as it‘s airlifted by cargobob. What could go wrong?
Minor TurbulenceSkydive onto a private jet, take out its guards, and steal cargo. Just another day for Trevor.
The Paleto ScoreHit the rural bank with military hardware and fend off cops en route through the hills to the getaway.

According to gaming site TheGamer:

"Luckily, most of GTA 5‘s missions are over the top and fun, so the grind won‘t be too bad."

Stranger Missions and Side Content

Beyond main story quests lies a wealth of additional strangers and freaks missions. These optional objectives unlock gradually as you explore regions of San Andreas and run into peculiar characters.

Fans of 2004‘s GTA San Andreas will remember bizarre strangers like Catalina and Cesar Vialpando. GTA 5 expands the concept with its own brand of oddballs offering missions.

You may photocopy a movie producer‘s assistant, hunt elusive celebrity Dom Beasley, or fend off a mad scientist from weaponizing your bodily fluids. That barely scratches the surface of the game‘s eclectic side content catalog:

  • Alien hunts
  • Arms trafficking
  • ATM robberies
  • Flight school
  • Movie studio missions
  • Random events
  • Security van heists
  • Wildlife photography

According to Rockstar Support:

"In some cases, missions will only appear after a certain amount of in-game time, so also try doing other activities for a while."

So keep exploring, traveling across GTA 5‘s vast map, and waiting for new pop-up missions to unlock even after you reach 100% main game completion.

Criminal Activities for Post-Game Shenanigans

Of course it wouldn‘t be Grand Theft Auto without the ability to execute petty crimes and profit from morally bankrupt pursuits well after the credits roll.

Store Robberies remain a reliable way to score quick cash and antagonize shopkeepers. Target convenience stores, gas stations, restaurants, bars, and more. Just beware of cops and heavily armed resistance.

Assassinations via Lester allow manipulating (GTA‘s equivalent of the stock market) for huge financial gains. Not to mention infiltrating heavily secured locations for epic showdowns.

The stock market itself continues enabling illicit earnings if you have the stomach for risky investing. Make your characters millionaires through insider trading and betting on the right companies.

Buying property like taxi companies, movie theaters, car dealerships, and more generates ongoing revenue streams. Some asset quests involving assassinations, races, smuggling, etc will also unlock.

GTA forums summarize the range of possibilities:

"Even after finishing the story, side crimes make you feel like an outlaw while racking up cash and mayhem."

"I roleplay as a white collar criminal, manipulating stocks through Lester‘s hits to get insanely rich."

Secret Endgame Missions and Storylines

Think you‘ve uncovered all there is to find beyond the critical path and strands? Look deeper through Trevor‘s rampages, hidden money stashes, and secret visits to Michael‘s therapist – Dr Friedlander.

Trevor‘s Rampages involve carnage-fueled challenges triggered in Blaine County. Destroy alien supplies, wipe out rednecks, shoot down seagulls. Quench Trevor‘s bloodlust while testing your combat capabilities across 5 offbeat missions.

Altruist Shootout sees Trevor delivering 4 unsuspecting hitchhikers to a cult‘s sacrifice altar. After the dust settles, search the area to uncover 4 hidden briefcases – each containing $25,000!

Therapy Sessions offer rare insights into Michael‘s psyche, unlocked by attending Dr Friedlander‘s office enough times post-game. Help Michael confront deeply rooted issues…andHis take part in professor/student roleplay. Because GTA.

So not everything revolves around wealth and mayhem. These often missed experiences provide surprising narrative depth to counterbalance the rampant violence prevalent across San Andreas.

Expert Opinions on GTA 5‘s Endgame & Replayability

Fans and critics widely praise the sheer volume of content still accessible after finishing GTA 5‘s central story arc:

"I was kinda shocked by just how much side stuff opened way up after I beat the game." via Reddit

"It‘s incredible how much gameplay is tucked away beyond the main missions." – IGN Review

"I‘ve played over 200 hours and still discover random events I haven‘t seen before later in playthroughs." via GTAForums

"GTA 5 might just have the most replay value ever thanks to the mix of replayable missions, side content, secrets, and open world freedom." – Gamespot

So in summary – yes, you can absolutely continue experiencing new missions, replaying old ones, and pursuing open world hijinks to your heart‘s content after that epic final heist and roll of the credits.

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