Reliving Gaming Glory: Re-Downloading Your Favorite Wii Games

As a lifelong Nintendo fanboy, I was ecstatic to discover I could still re-download beloved retro games I purchased from the Wii Shop Channel years ago. While the iconic shop tragically closed its doors in 2019, Nintendo has kept its promise to keep previously bought Virtual Console and WiiWare titles available for the foreseeable future. Join me on a nostalgic trip down memory lane as I recount my journey returning to some all-time classic Wii games!

Splashing into Wii Shop Nostalgia

After dusting off my launch-day Wii from 2006, I dove back in to the familiar neon-drenched menus of the Wii Shop. Seeing Mario gliding along sent my gamer dopamine levels surging. The Shop Channel音楽 brought back a flood of awesome memories unlocking Virtual Console gems.

From the GameCube to Switch, Nintendo has defined console gaming for over 30 years through technical creativity and magical game design. When the Wii arrived, its motion-sensing Wii Remote revolutionized gameplay practically overnight. Packed with the Virtual Console, it let nostalgic nerds like me enjoy retro masterpieces. Over ten years later, Nintendo kept its word, allowing us loyal fans to revisit the classics we bought.

Step-by-Step: Reviving Your Purchased Wii Shop Goodies

If you also want to resurrect your old Wii downloads like me, here is an easy step-by-step guide:

  1. Power up your Wii and launch the Wii Shop Channel. Make sure your system is connected to the internet.

  2. From the main Wii Shop menu, select the "Start Shopping" option.

  3. Next choose "Wii Channels" to browse previously purchased Virtual Console games and WiiWare downloads.

  1. When you find your purchased game, choose "Redownload".

  2. If prompted, sign in to link your Nintendo Network ID to your Nintendo Account ID. This condenses all purchases into one place.

  3. Let the magic memories begin! After completing the redownload, launch your revived retro goodness and enjoy!

Over 530 NES, SNES, N64 and Sega Genesis classics got loving Virtual Console treatment on Wii. These sold over 400 million units combined! Revisit legendary Zelda adventures, platformers like Mario, Metroid prime hunts, and beyond.

My Must-Redownload Wii Game Greats

I practically jumped for joy re-playing these timeless Virtual Console faves:

The Legend of Zelda: Majora‘s Mask – Wall jumping through Termina‘s clockwork world felt brand new using Wii Remote aiming. This gem perfected Ocarina of Time‘s recipe!

Super Mario RPG – Mario and Bowser teaming up with Squaresoft? This quirky SNES-era collab was a heartwarming RPG delight to rediscover!

Super Mario 64 – Guiding Mario through Princess Peach‘s castle in updated widescreen with buttery smooth analog controls made this defining 3D platformer even more fun the second time around!

What old Wii downloads have you gleefully rediscovered? Share your retro replay highlights with me on Twitter @WiiWareWindwalker!

Wii Shop Postmortem: Why Did the Doors Close?

With its joyous Wii Sports bowling and groundbreaking experimentation, Wii exceeded a staggering 100 million consoles sold as Nintendo‘s best-ever system!

However, succeeding platforms like the Wii U and Switch slowly erodedShop Channel relevance. By early 2019, dwindling traffic led Nintendo to take its trusty digital storefront offline permanently.

Luckily, our Wii Shop purchases live on via redownloads. But the ability to buy new games has bid sayonara. To experience late generation Wii games, you need to hunt for used disc copies online or at retro gaming stories. Sites like eBay let you score hidden gems and acclaimed exclusives like Super Mario Galaxy 2 or The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.

Or if Wii rekindled your Nintendo passion, consider grabbing a Switch! Hybrid console/handheld capabilities and contemporary masterworks like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey make this a worthy successor. The ability to purchase and redownload Switch eShop games confidently will likely continue for the foreseeable future based on Nintendo‘s track record.

Continuing the Wii Journey: Frequently Asked Questions

Let‘s tackle some common Wii redownload questions:

How can I retrieve and play purchased Wii games on the Wii U?

The Wii U has full backwards compatibility! Follow the same Wii Shop redownload steps after transferring your Nintendo Account ID in System Settings. Wii games can then launch directly from the Wii U main menu.

Do I need an internet connection to keep playing redownloaded games?

Nope! Once a purchased Virtual Console title or WiiWare game finishes redownloading to your console, you can play 100% offline with no limitations.

What if I deleted a purchased game – can I still get it back?

Indeed! The full history of all your Wii Shop buys lives on in your account. So even if you deleted an old download in the past, just redo the redownload process.

After the eShop closes, will redownloading legacy purchases still keep working?

This remains unconfirmed. However, Nintendo has kept this promise so far. As a passionate gamer and brand champion, I‘m optimistic they will honor our retro libraries for years ahead!

Have more Wii Shop questions you need answered? Let‘s connect via Twitter @WiiWareWindwalker or email [email protected].

Ranking the Top 10 Nintendo Wii Games

In closing, let‘s celebrate Wii‘s phenomenal software library by spotlighting the 10 best games. These masterful experiences show why Wii ascended as Nintendo‘s best-selling home console ever:

10. New Super Mario Bros. Wii
9. Donkey Kong Country Returns
8. Super Smash Bros Brawl
7. Kirby‘s Epic Yarn
6. Mario Kart Wii
5. Super Mario Galaxy 2
4. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
3. Super Mario Galaxy
2. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
1. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Here‘s to many more years unearthing Wii‘s gaming treasures – old and new! Need help on your retro gaming quests? Reach out anytime.

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