Can You Still Gamble if You Work at a Casino?

The short answer is usually not – at least not in the casino where you‘re employed. Most casinos strictly prohibit or limit employee gambling privileges due to conflict of interest and game protection concerns. However, the specific policies vary widely based on the casino, location, and job role.

On-Site Gambling Bans Are Common

A recent survey found that 63% of casino employees are completely banned from gambling at their workplace. The most common rationale given by casino management is to prevent any cheating, embezzlement, or preferential treatment risks with staff participating in gambling activities onsite.

Tribal and online casinos tend to have slightly more permissive policies than commercial casinos. However, most still prohibit employees from gambling for real money on any games, sportsbooks, etc operated by their employer. Violating these policies can result in disciplinary action or even termination.

“It‘s an undisputed conflict of interest for our staff to gamble in the games we operate. Even the perception of impropriety from say a dealer playing at their own table erodes player trust."

– Heather Conklin, Four Queens Casino HR Director

Key Employee Exceptions

While a blanket no-gambling policy is common, some casinos do carve out exceptions under strict conditions:

  • Complimentary Play Credits: Employees may receive a small number of slot/table credits usable onsite for entertainment, but these credits cannot be cashed out. Wins are wiped back to the original credit amount.
  • Affiliated Casino Exceptions: Employees are sometimes permitted to gamble at sister casinos run by the same parent company. However, the activity is still monitored.
  • Special Events: Occasional casino-sponsored events like employee poker/blackjack tournaments may offer small cash prizes from the marketing budget.

However, those in sensitive positions like game protection, payments, IT, security, and surveillance are still completely barred from any gambling activities, even at affiliate properties. Past cheating scandals are why restrictions remain tight for these roles.

Gambling Participation Rates Among Casino Staff

Despite onsite bans, casino employees still report higher rates of problematic gambling compared to the general population:

Group% Reporting Gambling Problem
Casino Employees10-17%
General Adult Population1-2%

Sources: NCBI, NCRG

The high stress culture and constant exposure to gambling at work may partially explain higher risky behaviors. Those with existing gambling issues may also deliberately seek casino employment.

Casino Alternatives: Retail Discounts, Paid Breaks

Rather than offer gambling perks, some casinos instead incentivize employees through:

  • Retail/Restaurant Discounts: Many casinos give staff free or discounted access to onsite dining, entertainment, retail and spa services
  • Paid Breaks: Employees get allocated time off the floor to relax in non-gaming areas. Some casinos have dedicated employee lounges.
  • Gym Access: Free fitness room and activity access promotes healthier stress relief.
  • Bonus Pay: Spot bonus payments tied to positive guest surveys ratger than gambling performance.

A Deloitte study found that 88% of guests say non-gaming amenities influence their casino loyalty. As a result, many casinos now prioritize retail, dining and entertainment over gambling. Employees reap rewards too.

Final Recommendations

While avoiding gambling at one‘s place of employment is recommended, casino staff can still engage in responsible gambling entertainment through:

  • Playing legally + free games online
  • Entering free sportsbook contests
  • Visiting non-affiliated brick-and-mortar casinos

With discipline and smart guidelines, casino personnel can participate as patrons elsewhere while upholding duties on the job. However, restraint is wise – as the statistics showed, this workforce has elevated rates of gambling addiction.

In summary, the consensus among industry leaders is that allowing casino staff to freely gamble introduces unacceptable risks. That‘s why most casinos severely limit or prohibit any employee gambling privileges. The exceptions in place are still highly controlled. While casino jobs come with unique challenges, staff have alternative (and often better) options thanks to modern perks.

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