Can you still get achievements if you use Creation Club?

Yes, absolutely. Using Creation Club content will not disable achievements or trophies in Skyrim, Fallout 4, or any other supported Bethesda game. Keep reading to understand why.

What Makes Creation Club Different

Creation Club is an official marketplace featuring addons handpicked by Bethesda for quality and seamless integration. This sets it apart from traditional PC modding in key ways:

Official Partnerships

Content is created by developers working closely with Bethesda, not hobbyist modders. This leads to professional-grade production value.

Rigorous Testing

All Creation Club releases undergo extensive testing to ensure stability, performance and playability across platforms.

Paid Model

You purchase Creation Club mods using Credits bought with real money. This funds future development.

Cross-Platform Support

Creation Club keeps parity across PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. No need to search for compatible mods.

Why Creations Don‘t Disable Achievements

Now that you understand what the Creation Club brings to the table, their advantage around achievements makes more sense.

Since all content goes through Bethesda‘s full testing process, they can verify that achievements still trigger correctly even with Creations installed. So you can enhance your game without worrying about missing trophies or disables.

Let‘s contrast this to Nexus Mods, which do still disable achievements:

Creation ClubNexus Mods
Testing ProcessOfficial Bethesda testingNo testing
Achievement ImpactDo NOT disableDisable achievements

Without testing, mods carry unknown risks that force Bethesda to disable achievements across all platforms. But you circumvent this via Creation Club!

Popular Creation Club Downloads

Creation Club features dozens of unique addons for variety of playstyles:

Arcane Accessories

  • 5 new Enchantments for staves and robes
  • 3 craftable house items like target dummies
  • 7M+ downloads as of March 2023


  • Legendary two-handed katana
  • Floats behind when sheathed
  • Soul trap filled black soul gems

Bone Wolf

  • Customizable undead wolf follower
  • Over 5M downloads and counting!

And much more suiting different builds. I‘m thrilled more awesome Creations get added every month!

Can All Achievements Still be Earned?

A question I see often is "if I only use Creation Club, can I still earn ALL achievements in Skyrim and Fallout 4?"

The answer is a resounding yes! Since no achievements get disabled, the content has no impact on your progress completion toward the full 1,000 gamerscore or trophy collection at all.

Just be aware that some Creation Club addons add NEW achievements unique to that content. So while they don‘t lock you out of anything, Creations can pad your total achievement count past the original games if you decide to 100% everything.

For example, Bone Wolf includes an achievement to fully level up and customize your wolf follower. So with certain Creations installed, you may end up with 1,010 gamerscore instead of an even 1,000.

Hardest Remaining Achievements

Even if you enable every Creation Club addon, most of Skyrim‘s toughest achievements stay just as difficult to unlock.

Oblivion Walker

  • Collect 15 Daedric Artifacts
  • Missable and complex steps

Master Criminal

  • 1.5% completion rate
  • Get 1,000 gold bounty in all holds


  • Requires reaching max level
  • Some missable skill books

I provide specialized guides on earning all these achievements available to patrons!

And while Creations don‘t make these easier per se, some may offer advantages. For example, Bone Colossus adds 5 new Daedric artifacts toward Oblivion Walker.

So in summary – no, Creation Club won‘t magically help you cheat unlocks. But more content can provide options to aid the journey.

Closing Thoughts

I‘m thrilled Creation Club lets me experience fresh Skyrim content without worrying about achievements getting disabled or feeling like I miss out on anything.

As a passionate completitionist, it brings me peace of mind knowing I can earn 100% of trophies WHILE enjoying awesome new quests, gear and mechanics via Creation Club.

It represents an exciting direction that preserves what I love about modding without the traditional downsides or need to toggle mods on and off. I can‘t wait to see what incredible new Creations come next!

What are your thoughts on Creation Club? Do you use addons or stick to pure vanilla? Let me know in the comments!

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