Can You Still Get Steam Achievements with Cheat Engine in 2024?

No, you cannot earn Steam achievements if you use Cheat Engine or other cheating tools while playing games on Steam. The platform automatically disables achievements once cheating software is detected running alongside a Steam game.

As an avid PC gamer and content creator focused on the latest news and updates in the gaming scene, I‘ve done extensive research into Steam‘s cheat detection systems. Here‘s an in-depth guide on what happens when you use Cheat Engine with Steam games and attempt to unlock achievements fraudulently.

How the Steam Platform Detects Cheat Engine Usage

Steam uses two systems to identify cheating software and unauthorized changes:

1. Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC)

VAC scans game executable files and libraries while you play on VAC-secured servers, maintaining a database of cheat signatures. If any third-party cheat tools are detected, you risk receiving a VAC ban.

2. The Steam Client

The Steam client disables achievements on its own if you use Cheat Engine alongside game processes. This prevents cheating for achievements even in single-player or non-VAC games.

Once Steam detects Cheat Engine running, you‘ll be unable to earn any more achievements in that game session. Any achievements unlocked to that point remain, but the system blocks you from cheating for additional achievements.

Consequences of Running Cheat Engine with Steam Games

Using cheats has serious repercussions on Steam beyond just achievements getting disabled:

  • VAC Bans: Using Cheat Engine or other cheats in multiplayer VAC-secured games risks getting your account permanently VAC banned. As of 2022, over 15 million VAC bans have been issued according to

  • Account Bans: Repeated or egregious cheating offenses could prompt Steam to suspend or ban your account altogether. In 2022, an estimated 757,000+ accounts faced bans according to SteamDB.

  • Compromised Leaderboards: Cheated achievements or stats mess up leaderboards and rankings on the Steam Community. Other players take rankings seriously for pride and competition.

  • Wasted Money: Receiving a game ban after purchasing a multiplayer title means losing access and wasting that money.

VAC Ban Rates in 2022

MonthVAC Bans
March1.04 million

Data sourced from SteamDB Ban Stats

This table shows over 2.88 million VAC bans handed out in just Q1 2022 alone. Gamers continue to get hit with permanent VAC bans for cheating across Steam games.

Can Third-Party Tools Unlock Achievements Safely?

Gamers have created specialized software that can unlock achievements without getting VAC banned:

  • Steam Achievement Manager (SAM): SAM hooks into Steam and lets you add achievements without launching the actual game. However, this skews tracking stats visible to others.

  • CheatEngine Achievement Unlocker: This CE script claims to let you unlock achievements in single-player games. But there‘s always inherent risk running CE alongside Steam.

  • Memory Editing Tools: Some advanced editors may be able to unlock achievements by editing game data values, but they could trigger anti-cheat detection.

I don‘t recommend risking your account status using these questionable tools for achievements when playing legitimately is safer. But many discussion threads on sites like Reddit contain insights from gamers who have used these in the past without issue.

Expert Opinions Around Steam Cheating

In the gaming community, cheating to unlock Steam achievements or gain unfair advantages is widely frowned upon. Here are some opinions from experts:

"Only cheaters would use cheat programs to unlock achievements because they want to feel proud of something they didn‘t earn."
– Rushster, Veteran Game Developer

"We absolutely do not tolerate any promotion or encouragement for cheating on Steam. Any suggestions that it‘s acceptable will be moderated."
– Steam Community Moderator

Ultimately most experts agree there‘s no reason to jeopardize your Steam account by using Cheat Engine or achievement unlockers. Gamers and moderators alike encourage playing games as intended.

My Take as a Passionate Gamer

As someone who takes pride accomplishing achievements legitimately after hours of dedication, I strongly believe cheating damages the integrity of gaming for the community. The risk of losing entire game libraries from VAC or account bans makes it entirely nonviable.

That said, I do empathize with players who might be struggling with frustrating, unreasonably difficult achievements in single-player games. My advice is persevering a little longer for that glorious wave of dopamine when you finally earn it fair and square!

I hope this guide gives newer gamers on Steam insight into why cheating for achievements goes against the spirit of gaming and the repercussions involved. Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions!

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