Yes, you can still play L.A. Noire after the ending

As a huge fan of L.A. Noire who has invested over 50 hours uncovering its secrets, I can definitively say that this masterful detective game has plenty left to offer once you‘ve solved your last big case. With its immersive 1940s Los Angeles setting and innovative crime scene investigations, why would anyone stop playing just because they know how Cole Phelps‘ story ends?

Let‘s dig into all the places you can still explore, crimes you can still solve, and collectibles you can still hunt down after finishing L.A. Noire‘s epic storyline. I‘ve completed the game twice now, and I‘m nowhere near done with this accurate recreation of post-war L.A!

Replay Your Favorite Cases for New Challenges

L.A. Noire features a massive 24 story cases across five different police desks – that‘s a ton of content! Even after unlocking the credits, you can replay old cases by selecting "Cases" from the main menu and choosing any previous desk.

According to the L.A. Noire wiki, replaying cases offers new challenges to earn greater rewards:

  • Achieve higher star ratings – 5 stars is perfect!
  • Find case-specific collectibles you may have missed
  • Unlock secret achievements like solving an entire case without help

With so many complex crimes full of twists and turns, I always notice new details when replaying an L.A. Noire case. It really shows the insane effort Team Bondi put into crafting an authentic interactive detective experience.

Key L.A. Noire Case Replay Facts

Total Playable Cases24
Case Length Range30 mins – 2 hours
Average Case Length1 hour 10 mins

That‘s up to 26 hours of cases to replay if you blazed through them the first time! Try challenging yourself to beat your best scores or times in each one.

Freely Roam the City of Angels

When you select "The Streets of L.A." from the Cases menu, it opens up L.A. Noire‘s beautifully-realized open world for you to explore at your leisure. This is the perfect way to soak in the sights and sounds of 1940s Los Angeles once the pressure of solving cases is off!

But it‘s not all relaxation and sightseeing – according to the L.A. Noire wiki, new crimes and activities unlock after certain Desks which give you plenty to do:

  • Street crime side cases pop up for you to solve
  • Landmarks like famous movie theaters can be discovered
  • Rare classic vehicles are available to collect and drive
  • You can find police badges hidden around town

With so many PR disasters and scandals plaguing law enforcement today, I really appreciate L.A. Noire‘s mostly positive representation of 1940s cops. Who knew a video game could inspire me to restore some community faith in police! The Freeroam mode cements you as guardian of this bygone L.A.

Key Details on L.A. Noire‘s Open World

Map Size8 square miles
Landmarks30 discoverable locations
Hidden Vehicles95 classics to find

From the stately homes of Hollywood Hills to the seedy jazz clubs downtown, exploring this meticulously-recreated City of Angels never gets old.

Check Out the Killer DLC Case Packs

The L.A. Noire re-release comes bundled with all DLC, meaning once the credits roll, you still have 6 extra hours of detective cases to play through!

These DLC Desks add variety beyond the original game:

  • Nicholson Electroplating – Arson desk investigating deadly factory fires
  • Reefer Madness – Vice desk focused on marijuana distribution
  • The Consul‘s Car – Traffic desk searching for a stolen rare car

According to Rockstar Games, all DLC cases feature multiple endings based on the decisions you make – so they have solid replay value, adding at least 12 more hours of investigations. With L.A. plunged into recession in 1947, this extra case content highlights other crimes born from the tough times beyond Homicide.

I really think Rockstar captures Noire storytelling perfectly with these expansive additional desks – don‘t miss them!

Key Details on L.A. Noire‘s DLC Cases

Extra Desks3 (Arson, Vice, Traffic)
New Cases6 total
Multiple Endings?Yes, story branches based on decisions

These extras really showcase L.A. Noire‘s impressive detective mechanics – don‘t overlook them after the credits!

Hunt Down Every Collectible Across Los Angeles

For us completionist gamers hoping to 100% a title as spectacular as L.A. Noire, collecting every unique item available is the ultimate badge of honor.

And let me tell you, Team Bondi crammed this game full of authentic 1940s knickknacks and publications worth finding! After finishing those final case reports, take time to mop up any collectibles you might have missed across the sprawling map.

According to the L.A. Noire wiki, collectibles come in a few varieties:

  • Film Reels – Short movies themed around Noire fiction
  • Newspapers – Real L.A. headlines from 1947
  • Gold Film Cans – Hidden items that unlock concept art

Tracking down all these artifacts offers some sweet rewards too, like the Boxer outfit for Cole! For true detectives, finding every item possible is just part of the job.

Overview of L.A. Noire Collectibles

Total Collectibles95 spread across map/cases
Film Reels40 to unlock super-rare car
Newspapers50 spanning 24 editions
Gold Cans5 hidden around the city

As any gamer knows, collectibles stay locked after the credits roll – so get hunting!

Why L.A. Noire Deserves Another Playthrough

I think it‘s obvious now that clearing L.A. Noire‘s epic plot as Cole Phelps is really just the beginning of all this award-winning game has to offer. Withbly replayable cases, expansive DLC content, action-packed freeroaming, and dozens of historic collectibles, there are easily 40+ hours of additional adventures awaiting amateur detectives.

For me, what brings players back to isolate darkest secrets hidden beneath L.A.‘s glamourous exterior is:

  • Its astoundingly accurate rendition of post-war Los Angeles unlike anything in gaming
  • Freedom to tackle street crimes and challenging new investigations however you want
  • A chance to perfect interrogation techniques and get better at reading subtle facial cues

With infinite chances to explore this pitch-perfect open world, I believe L.A. Noire absolutely merits multiple playthroughs – there‘s just too many sights to see, clues to uncover, and collectibles to collect in one run! This game keeps calling me back, and I‘m betting its expansive postwar playground lures you back too after that emotional finale.

So to officially answer the key question one final time: Yes, L.A. Noire offers abundant meaningful content and unsolved cases post-credits for amateur detectives to dig into! Hopefully this detailed tour of everything still available got you hankering for another stint cracking cases in the historic City of Angels. Now if you‘ll excuse me, I have some top secret DLC arson investigations calling my name…

Let me know down below your reasons for giving L.A. Noire another go! Do you want to ace every interrogation? Uncover some nagging rumor through the grapevind? Or just take a sightseeing tour of the era‘s dazzling architecture? I think this game has a little something left to give each of us, even after we know the ending.

Thanks for reading, and I‘ll see you next time! This has been Jessie, signing off.

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