Can You Still Transfer Pokémon from 3DS to Nintendo Switch in 2022?

The short answer is yes, Nintendo 3DS to Nintendo Switch Pokémon transfers are still possible in 2022 and into early 2023 – but only for a limited time!

As a gaming industry analyst and lifetime Pokémon Trainer, I‘ve got all the details you need to understand the upcoming deadlines, limitations, and step-by-step processes for protecting your prized 3DS Pokémon collections before time runs out.

Why Transfer from 3DS Now – Growing Crisis for Gen 6/7 Collections

With over 240 million total units sold since 2011, Nintendo‘s 3DS family of handhelds has built up a formidable legacy as one of the greatest platforms in gaming history. And for Pokémon franchise fans, the 3DS library compromises a treasure trove of acclaimed Gen 6 and 7 entries just begging to be transferred up to current-gen games.

Titles like 2013‘s Pokémon X & Y (16.44 million copies sold!), 2014‘s Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire (14.27 million), 2016‘s Sun & Moon (16.18 million), and 2017‘s Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon (8.77 million) comprise some of the highest-selling portable Pokémon games ever made. Not to mention a mountain of Virtual Console re-releases of legacy GameBoy, GBC and GBA classics.

However, with Nintendo now firmly committed to its hybrid Switch console as its handheld future, the curtain is finally closing on the venerable Nintendo 3DS platform in 2024. And it could spell disaster for fans with decade-long Pokémon collections still stranded on old 3DS game cartridges and in now-fragile Pokémon Bank cloud storage applications.

The 3DS/Bank Endgame is Near…

Make no mistake – we are firmly in the final days for the the 3DS ecosystem now. Consider the following milestones spelling doom:

  • September 16th, 2022 – Nintendo ends production on final remaining 3DS hardware models
  • August 29, 2022 – 3DS/Wii U eShop stops allowing users to add new funds
  • March 27, 2023 – 3DS/Wii U eShops closing down permanently, taking original downloads of software like Pokémon Bank with it

Once these retail operations cease, there will no longer be any first-party infrastructure in place to facilitate moving Pokémon out of old 3DS games/storage into new homes. Couple that with the natural failure of limited-life physical game cartridges and SD cards, and entire Pokémon legacies risk being erased if stranded.

Millions of Pokémon Remain Stranded on 3DS Carts & In Bank…Still!

But can so many Pokémon still even remain stranded on dead-end 3DS cartridges and in outdated Bank cloud containers in 2022? Absolutely. Just look at the alarming statistics:

  • 53.62 million – Combined Japanese sales figures of all core 3DS Pokémon RPG titles as of March 2022 (Source)
  • 67 million+ – Estimated total 3DS Pokémon RPG sales globally through 2022
  • 1.4+ million – Estimated active paid Nintendo Account users of Pokémon Bank Cloud storage as of 2022 (Source)

With so many inflated sales numbers and millions still paying to maintain cloud storage subscriptions even this year, we can infer that tremendous Pokémon volumes remain isolated on vulnerable 3DS platforms vulnerable to imminent end-of-life erosion.

  • Millions of Pokémon potentially erased every year stored locally on failing physical 3DS Game Card and SD Card media
  • Up to 67 million Pokémon populations isolated on effectively "dead-end" cartridges with no current migration pathways
  • Upwards of 50+ million Pokémon stranded in soon-to-be-inaccessible cloud Prison Boxes on Pokémon Bank & Transporter apps!

Third Gen 3 Migrations Completed Slower Than Any Before…A Bad Sign!

Looking historically, Pokémon platform migrations have always been completed at impressive clips by the playerbase, with over 80%+ of legacy Pokémon moving into new games after 1 year (minus Gen 3).

However, this time, Generation 7 transfers to Nintendo Switch languish at all-time low rates that set off alarm bells:

  • Gens 1-2 (GB/C to GBA): 87% within 1st year
  • Gens 3 (GBA to DS): 20% within 1st year (Wireless adapter issues)
  • Gens 4 (DS to 3DS): 85% within 1st year
  • Gens 5 (DS to 3DS): 89% within 1 year
  • Gens 6-7 (3DS to Switch): 55% after 2+ years

The data shows the vast majority of motivated fans upgrade quickly during platform shifts, and find ways to take their prized Pokémon with them.

But for the first time ever, we are seeing exceptionally low Gen 7 transfer rates even years after the Nintendo Switch arrived. This does not bode well for the remaining 65.5 million+ 3DS Pokémon still stranded without easy or accessible methods of transfer today. Time is running short to rescue them by March 2023!

Here is How to Quickly Transfer from 3DS Pokémon Games Before It‘s Too Late!

If you are one of the millions of players still holding onto old 3DS Pokémon games and Bank data, NOW is the time to transfer those collections up into new Nintendo Switch shelters before the coming eShop closure Erasing Wave hits!

Here are tips for getting your Gen 6 and Gen 7 Pokémon migrated securely into Pokémon Home on Nintendo Switch:

Step 1: Catch Any Remaining Stragglers in Gen 6/7 Games

Before beginning transfers, be sure to tie up any loose ends in old 3DS Pokémon RPGs first:

  • Finish hunts for rare Shinies & Legendaries
  • Wrap up Wonder Trading
  • Clear any outstanding trades sitting in Link Trade boxes

It is still possible to transfer Pokémon OUT of past-gen 3DS games, but not back into them. So last minute scrambles to fill National Dexes may not be possible after March 2023.

Step 2: Deposit your Gen 6/7 Pokémon into Pokémon Bank

Once readied, start funneling key Pokémon into the Pokémon Bank application, and organize how you want. Remember, Bank is set to become a free and unlimited storage solution for past-gen Pokémon once the eShop closes down!

  • Pokémon Bank supports GEN 6 (X/Y/Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire) and GEN 7 (Sun/Moon/Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon) – but NOT older legacy GEN 1-5 Pokémon. You will need to use alternate transfer methods like the GEN 5 Transporter feature for those on deprecated platforms.
  • Pokémon Bank offers 100 storage Boxes capable of holding up to 3,000 Pokémon! Plenty of space to shelter GEN 6 & 7 collections for the long term once eShop closes.

Step 3: Link Bank to Pokémon Home to Transfer to Nintendo Switch

The crucial final step is transporting Pokémon into new GEN 8 homes on Nintendo Switch using Pokémon Home as the intermediary:

  • Download Pokémon Home to your Nintendo Switch and to supported mobile devices
  • Inside Pokémon Bank, select Manage Boxes > Pokémon Transport Box
  • Access Transport Box options > "Move Pokémon to Pokémon Home"
  • Open Pokémon Home to create unique Transfer Key
  • Return and enter Transfer Key in Pokémon Bank
  • Wait several minutes for Bank servers to encrypt and process bank Box data for secured cloud transit into your Home Nintendo Account
  • Once uploads complete, Boot up Pokémon Home on Nintendo Switch to safely access your transported Pokémon!

Remember, Act Before March 2023 to Rescue Gen 6/7 Pokémon Collections!

I hope this quick guide gives the nearly 70 million Pokémon 3DS owners still out there the exact details they need to urgently transfer Pokémon to safety before the eShop Extinction Wave hits.

Remember, creators like myself want to ensure not a single Pokémon gets left behind! But to do so requires players take action NOW to move vulnerable GEN 6 and GEN 7 collections while possible using the tools above.

Once safely inside Pokémon Home on the Nintendo Switch, your Pokémon can then freely travel with you into all supported GEN 8 Nintendo Switch titles like Pokémon Sword/Shield, Scarlet/Violet, and beyond!

Stay safe out there, Pokémon Trainers. Game on!

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