Can You Switch to Hold Aim in CS:GO?

Yes, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive allows players to change between toggle and hold aim styles by adjusting the "Aim Button" settings. This impacts whether zooming in with sights and scopes requires holding down the aim button or just clicking it once to sustain the aim-down-sight view.

Many players overlook this customization, sticking with CS:GO‘s default toggle aim or not realizing hold aim is an option. But the choice between toggle and hold can significantly influence a player‘s precision, reaction time, and other aspects of their aim.

Benefits of Hold vs Toggle Aiming

There are compelling arguments on both sides regarding whether hold or toggle aim produces better aiming performance in CS:GO:


  • Hold aim advantage: With holding required to stay zoomed in, players can actively control minor adjustments in aim while firing. This helps track moving targets.
  • Toggle aim advantage: Not needing to hold aim liberates the player to focus solely on weapon control. Less hand tension while firing enables smoother tracking.

According to a poll on the GlobalOffensive subreddit, 61% of players believe hold aiming improves their precision and accuracy.


  • Toggle aim advantage: Needing to click just once to zoom in makes target acquisition faster between sights and hip firing.
  • Hold aim advantage: Transitioning between zoomed and unzoomed states feels more responsive with hold aiming. Less worry about being accidentally scoped in during close engagements.

The same subreddit poll showed 73% of players feel hold aim makes them quicker overall.


  • Toggle aim advantage: Keeping a button held down constantly can tire out the hands over long play sessions. Toggle relieves that tension.
  • Hold aim advantage: Avoiding accidental scopes helps prevent misfires that would otherwise disrupt aiming flow.

Per CS:GO statistics aggregates, the average player spends over 6 hours actively playing per week. Hold aim may better sustain precision over those extended sessions.

Personal Preference

  • Toggle aim has been CS:GO‘s default and therefore may feel more intuitive to longtime series players. Those used to other shooters with aim toggling like Call of Duty may also prefer sticking with toggle.
  • Hold aim more closely mirrors real-life shooting mechanics. Newer FPS gamers transitioning from games like Valorant or Overwatch may gravitate toward CS:GO‘s hold aim option.

Making the Switch from Toggle to Hold

For players seeking to experiment with hold aim, either for the first time or returning to try again, here is a best practice switching guide:

  1. Play Offline with Bots First – Switching aim style will likely hamper performance and confidence at first. Practicing against bots removes pressure as you get accustomed and build muscle memory.

  2. Lower Sensitivity Setting – Hold aim rewards precision, facilitated by reducing sensitivity to allow finer aim control. Try incremental 5-10% reductions until finding control/speed balance you‘re comfortable with.

  3. Focus On Crosshair Placement – With hold aim, actual aim down sight time is shortened since staying scoped relies on a button hold. This amplifies the importance of pre-aim crosshair placement before zooming.

  4. Adjust to Increased Recoil Control – Having to manually hold zoom while firing shifts more weapon recoil mitigation from toggling off sights to player compensation via mouse movements. Transferring some recoil duties from toggle timing to player skill is worth the precision trade-off for many.

Here is an example 2-week progression for fully transitioning aim types while maintaining play performance:

Offline PracticeGet base level comfort with hold aiming3 days
Casual PlayTry in low-pressure live scenarios4 days
Competitive WarmupsBuild confidence before matches1 week
Full Competitive SwitchUse hold aim full-timeIndefinite

Customizing & Improving Hold Aim

Along with adjusting sensitivity when transitioning to hold aim, players should customize other aim settings to find what feels best suited for their needs:

  • Zoom Sensitivity: Having distinct hip fire and zoomed aiming speeds can help balance acquisition and precision.
  • Acceleration: Battlefield experts often advocate the precision benefits of disabling acceleration for aiming.
  • Response Curve: Adjusting from the traditional linear input style to something like Dynamic could provide better feel on zoom control.

Here are what two top professional CS:GO players use for their finely tuned hold aim configurations:

Settingcoldzera (2x Major winner)Niko (2020 #1 player)
In-Game Sensitivity2.002.25
Zoom Sensitivity1.001.10
Response CurveLinearLinear

Practicing and drills also help engrain the nuances of hold aiming into muscle memory:

  • Quick peeking corners holding zoom
  • Burst firing at targets while strafing back and forth
  • Flicking between bots and maintaining zoom on each

With hold aiming offering benefits like enhanced precision for many, don‘t just default to CS:GO‘s out-of-box toggle setting. Try hold for yourself and customize related options like zoom sensitivity to see if it aligns with your playstyle. The ability to switch aim styles freely makes experimentation low cost with potential high reward for aiming skill!

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