Yes, You Can Definitely Take Control of Kingdoms in Mount & Blade II Bannerlord

As an avid Bannerlord player with over 200 hours invested, I can definitively say that you can indeed take control of existing kingdoms or found your own kingdom starting from scratch. While the gameplay systems involved are complex, the high-level process involves:

  1. Joining a kingdom and climbing the ranks politically
  2. Capturing enemy settlements and accumulating bannermen
  3. Managing loyalty through fief grants and governor assignments
  4. Cultivating influence and relations to get elected ruler

Alternatively, you can capture a settlement without aligning to a kingdom first to establish your own faction. This guide will cover both approaches in detail.

An In-Depth Look at Bannerlord‘s Factional Politics

Bannerlord simulates dynamic power struggles between rival kingdoms on the fictional continent of Calradia. Here‘s an overview of how the political system works:


  • The basic factional unit. Rulers belong to royal clans.
  • Gain renown and influence through battles and quests.


  • Towns, castles and villages conquered during war.
  • Granted as fiefs to clans to earn income and troops.


  • Rulers enact kingdom policies impacting economics and security.
  • Support or opposition impacts relation with the ruler.


  • When a ruler dies, clans vote for a replacement based on influence.
  • Relations and renown also play a factor.

Understanding these mechanics is key to plotting your ascension to the throne. Now let‘s explore routes to becoming a ruler in detail:

Method 1: Taking Over an Existing Kingdom

Joining an existing kingdom as a vassal offers better starting security but requires slowly growing your internal power. Here are the steps involved:

Gain Renown and Relations

  • Complete quests and win battles to gain influence and renown.
  • 200+ renown and 100+ relations recommended before rebellion.
  • Befriend lords through gifts and party encounters.
Renown Req.Relation Req.
200+80+ with ruler
60+ with vassals

Support Ruler Policies

  • Back the monarch‘s decrees in kingdom votes.
  • Further improve relations by 100+ points.

Capture New Fiefs

  • Slowly expand borders by capturing enemy towns and castles.
  • Request the new fiefs from the ruler.

Enable Clan Tier Growth

  • Upgrade to higher clan tiers to recruit more troops.
  • Hit clan tier 4 or higher before rebellion.
Clan TierParty Limit

Betray Your Liege

  • Declare independence when your power is consolidated.
  • Retain all owned fiefs automatically.
  • Fight the kingdom or sue for peace.

Skilled players can go from zero to monarch in 30-50 hours with this method. However founding a new kingdom is faster albeit riskier.

Method 2: Usurping by Conquest

If political maneuvering seems boring, you can take matters militarily into your own hands:

Rebel and Conquer Settlement

  • Denounce ruler after failed fief grant requests
  • Launch rebellion and capture nearby castle or town
  • Become de facto monarch of new "kingdom"

Defeat Ruler‘s Armies

  • Force abdication or death in failed sieges
  • Eliminate rival claimants through execution
  • Fight lords refusing to recognize you

Manage New Vassals

  • Absorb defeated lords by recruitment
  • Appoint loyal companions as vassals
  • Carefully delegate captured fiefs

This aggressive tactic lets you jumpstart an independent faction within hours. However, managing unhappy vassals and rebellions requires finesse.

Comparing Approaches: Pros and Cons

Existing KingdomIndependent Kingdom
(+) Start off secure as a vassal(+) Claim throne much faster
(+) Income through fief grants(-) Constant threat of attack
(-) Slower politically(+) Flexibility in conquest
(-) Need to betrayal liege eventually(-) Unruly vassals early on

So in summary, while becoming a king in an existing kingdom takes longer, you benefit from its protection early on. Founding one lets you rule immediately but sustaining it involves more complex politics. Choose your preferred flavor of conquest!

Advanced Tips for Ruling Your Kingdom

Once you have become a monarch, your trials have just begun. Here are some pro tips for managing your burgeoning empire:

Prioritize Loyal Companions as Vassals

  • Promote trusted sidekicks to powerful council positions
  • Leverage 100+ relations to avoid rebellion

Monitor Vassal Relations Meticulously

  • Keep tabs on relation levels with every vassal
  • Nip rebellions in the bud through policy voting

Balance Fief Grants Judiciously

  • Assign newly conquered lands to disgruntled vassals
  • But don‘t empower them beyond control

Enact Supportive Policies

  • Push popular decrees to boost average relations
  • Avoid controversy until consolidating power

Ruthlessly eliminating rivals also helps. But shaping the political climate through intrigue and allies works better than brute force alone.

In Conclusion: Plot Your Path to Kingship Today

Hopefully this extensive explainer clearly proves that rising up the ranks to ultimately rule a kingdom is completely achievable in Bannerlord. The combat and conquest also remain highly enjoyable throughout the process.

Personally, I prefer founding a new faction in a mad dash to capture territories unrestrained. The constant battles and political tightrope walk keeps things exciting!

But I suggest trying both methods as the experiences differ vastly. Just be prepared for the responsibilities of wearing a crown. The trials of new monarchs have felled kingdoms!

Which route sounds more appealing to you? Founding a kingdom or slowly staging an internal coup? Let all of Calradia hear of your glorious (or notorious) deeds!

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