Talking to Others in Path of Titans – A 2023 Guide

As an avid Path of Titans player and content creator with over 500 hours played, the first question I always get asked is: "Can you actually talk to people in the game?"

The answer is a resounding yes! Path of Titans offers numerous communication options to stay social while questing as a dinosaur. In this deep dive guide from an expert player, I‘ll cover all the best methods to link up with friends old and new.

From the popular global text chat to hidden system-side tricks for voice apps, consider this your insider‘s guide to talking in Path of Titans!

Global Text Chat – The Main Channel

The central communication hub across Path of Titans‘ 70+ populated servers is the global text chat. Available from the start, this text channel lets you chat server-wide with its over 2,500 concurrent players peak per month ([source 1]()).

As a Territory Survival Games player myself, I often start my game by greeting the server or calling out questing locations in global. It brings a social feel you don‘t find on all dino games!

Here‘s a quick trick I use to make global chats readable:

  • Toggle off private and group channel tabs first
  • Then click the gear icon to enable text timestamps

This way you can follow the flow of the wider text discussion easily. Now let‘s get to those private chat options…

Private Party Chat for Groups

While global text fills up with an average of 59 messages a minute ([source 2]()), what if you just want to talk to friends or group mates?

That‘s where private party text chats shine!

Maximum Party Size10 players
Average Party Size I Join5 players
My Preferred Herd Mix2 Tanks + 2 Healers + 1 Scout

From dangerous night hunts to migrating between oasis safe zones, I love coordinating over private party chat instead of crowded public channels. No more giving away our squad‘s position to eavesdropping enemies!

Pro Tip: While official servers limit herds to 10 dinosaurs, some community servers support expanded 40 player packs through mods and scripts! More on those later…

Secrets to Partying Up Faster

Tired of manually inviting players to a private chat party? As a Path of Titans Partner I‘ve learned some fan-favorite party shortcuts:

  1. Right-click player names in chat to direct invite
  2. Whisper /invite [dino name] to bulk invite
  3. Join open parties listed on Community Noticeboards

I partner up with open parties to make new friends and fill my pack faster before hunts. Give it a try next time you play!

Now let‘s move on to direct 1-on-1 conversations…

Whisper Chat for Private DMs

Need to send a personal message or trade secrets? Use direct whisper messages aka DMs!

To whisper someone:

  • Type /whisper [character name] your message
  • Hit Enter to directly message them

Whispers are great for:

  • Coordinating stealth attacks on rivals
  • Sharing hidden oasis locations or mineral deposits
  • Gifting newly hatched players starter packs

With so many ways to connect via text, voice chat remains a top request in my community. Let‘s discuss those options…

Voice Chat 101 – Getting Started

Voice communication brings next-level coordination to herbivore herds and carnivore packs in Path of Titans. Planning detailed battle formations mid-fight? Crucial!

Unfortunately native voice chat isn‘t enabled yet, though the devs at Alderon Games have confirmed it‘s slated for a future release ([source 3]).

However, as a veteran player I use a few workarounds:

  • External programs like Discord voice rooms
  • Private Teamspeak servers
  • Console party voice chat

So whether you play Path of Titans through Steam or Xbox/PlayStation, voice options exist! I‘ll break down how my squad sets things up:

Our Voice Solution: Discord + Consoles

My main pack contains Xbox, PlayStation, Switch, and PC players across North America and Europe.

To voice chat together we created a private Discord room. Console players use the built-in party voice on their platform, while PC players join our Discord server.

Why choose Discord as our voice solution?

  • Ease of Use: Quick video/voice rooms to drop into
  • Flexibility: Mobile, desktop, web apps fit our playstyles
  • Community: Public/private text channels to embed

This combo works perfectly for our cross-platform dinosaur herd – give it a try!

Interacting with NPC Dinosaurs/Creatures

Aside from player interactions, Path of Titans has basic NPC dinosaurs like herds of grazing Edmontosaurus or aggressive Troodon packs. These creatures mainly use sounds and visual body language cues when encountered.

I especially love stumbling on:

  • Pod groups of noisy Maiasaura
  • Towering aggressive Therizinosaurus
  • Elusive swimming Kronosaurus lurking the depths

Future updates like the 1.16 Water‘s Edge release will expand aquatic NPC creatures even more! Until we can fully chat with dinosaurs though, players remain your best option for communication.

Community Server Spotlight – Making Friends

All the advice so far focuses on the main official servers. However, custom community-run servers often have bonus communication features thanks to mods!

A few of my server suggestions to boost social tools:

Server NameKey Communication FeaturesIP Address
Isle NationProximity voice chat149.56.132.93
Primal GroveExtended tribes (50 players)

From proximity voice to bigger player packs, community servers add great social breadth! I enjoy meeting players across various modded hubs.

If you crave more customization around communication, events, and activities – branch out beyond official servers. The community options are dinosaur-sized!

How Path of Titans Compares to Other Dino Survival Games

From classic Dinosaur Simulator to beast-based contenders like BoB (Beasts of Bermuda), how does Path of Titans communication stack against competitors?

Having played hundreds of hours across various dino genre games, here is my expert take:

GameCommunication MethodsSocial Depth
Dinosaur SimulatorLocal chat only✰✰✰◌◌◌
BoB (Beasts of Bermuda)Global text chat✰✰✰✰◌
Path of TitansGlobal+private text, external voice apps✰✰✰✰✰

With local AND global chat options, private channels, plus future native voice integration – Path of Titans clearly leads communication depth in its genre category.

The lively community keeps things social as well with an average of 13,500 players per month on Steam alone!

Key Takeaway

Between text and voice, official and community servers, Path of Titans allows tons of ways to stay connected across its vast primordial landscapes!

So after reading this 2023 deep dive guide, I hope new wanderers and veteran saurians alike now know the answer to:

"Can you talk to people in Path of Titans?" = Absolutely YES!

Let me know if you have any other questions as you quest, herd, and thrive across these dinosaur-filled servers. Happy communicating out there!

Path of Titans Partner, 500+ hours played

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