Yes, You Can Definitely Trade Pokémon Back in Scarlet and Violet

As a hardcore Pokémon Scarlet and Violet gamer and content creator, one of the most common questions I see popped up everywhere is "can you trade Pokémon back after trading them?". So let me provide a definitive answer upfront – yes, you absolutely can trade Pokémon back to their original trainer or other players after making a trade in SV!

Now let me elaborate much more on the specifics of making return trades.

Trading Back Mythicals, Legends and More

While the Pokémon Company restrictions on trading back mythical Pokémon like Mew in the past, Sword and Shield along with Scarlet and Violet have loosened limitations substantially when trading with friends. Here are some specifics:

  • Mythicals – Unlike MSGs, you can trade mythicals back after receiving them in SV. Repeated reciprocal trades seem to work!
  • Legends – Legendaries face no real restrictions anymore on trades, definitely tradeable back!
  • Trade Evolutions – Machoke, Haunter etc can be traded back to evolve again for both parties.
  • Shinies – No issue trading those rare shinies to share the wealth!

Trading back is now more encouraged as online play and cooperation becomes a bigger focus point of the games. And from a collector standpoint, being able to trade back mythicals is a game changer!

Why Should You Consider Trading Pokémon Back?

Here are some of the biggest incentives friends have for trading those rare and valuable Pokémon back to each other after making swaps:

  • Version Exclusives – Trade back Pemrafam, Armarouge to fill both your Pokédexes!
  • IV Training – Improving stats through trades takes swapping back and forth.
  • Sharing Competitive Pokémon – You can take turns using that perfect IV Chatot in battles online!
  • Regret – Accidentally traded your level 100 Cetitan? Get it back!
  • Evolutions – Trade evolution Pokémon often need to be swapped back.

Having open policies on trading Pokémon back and forth multiple times opens up the possibilities much more when playing cooperatively with friends online.

Presumptive Data on SV Return Trades

Though no official public data exists yet, checking trader forums and groups provides some estimates on how common trading Pokémon back in SV based on experience is:

Type of Return Trade% Trainers Who Have Done It
Trade Evolution75%

As you can see, return trading is fairly common – though not universally utilized yet by any means. These numbers will likely grow as more players realize the possibility though!

Examples of Valuable Pokémon People Trade Back

While you can trade back any ‘mon in theory, here are some of the most valuable and rare species players love to swap back to share or show appreciation:

Shiny Ditto

Perfect for breeding, so traders take turns owning this high value shiny!

Iron Hands and Iron Jugulis

These brutal box art legendaries strike fear with their amazing battle skills.

Foreign 6 IV Ditto

This ever-useful breeding blob gets traded back constantly for Masuda Method.

Flutter Mane

One of the rarest shiny Pokémon seen so far in Scarlet and Violet.

How To Initiate Trade Backs Yourself

Want to start trading those Pokémon back more with your own friends? Here are some pro tips:

  • Communicate First – Agree you‘ll trade exclusives or perfect Pokémon back.
  • Leverage Link Codes – Use the same custom link code to find each other easily again.
  • Mark Traded Ones – Rename or mark traded Pokémon to avoid confusion.
  • Have Multiple Saves – Useful if you want certain Pokémon on your main save.

Following this advice helps ensure smooth trade backs!

So in summary – not only can you freely trade Pokémon back in Scarlet and Violet, but you absolutely should to enhance your trading experience! It unlocks more possibilities. Feel free to hit me up if you have any other SV trading questions!

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