Can You Trade Items with Your Fireteam in Destiny 2? A Comprehensive Breakdown

No, despite frequent requests dating back to the original Destiny, direct player-to-player trading or gifting of weapons, armor, and other gear is still not a feature enabled between Guardians in Destiny 2. This restriction applies equally to clanmates and teams formed through Bungie‘s own Fireteam finder.

Why Hasn‘t Bungie Allowed Trading Between Players?

Enabling free exchange of equipment amongst Guardians certainly has some surface appeal. But comments from the developers over the years provide insight into why it just doesn‘t align with Destiny‘s core gameplay pillars:

"The opportunity…to earn rewards is part of the lifeblood of this world we have built. It allows content to matter long after you have played it." – Mark Noseworthy, Former Destiny Game Director

Trading risks watering down that sense of earned accomplishments. While community polls routinely show 60-70% of players want trading enabled, Bungie views solo progress treadmills as vital.

Preserving the Value of Loot Pursuit

Destiny 2‘s Product Manager recently revealed that average weekly playtime is over 19 hours per player. Yet the sheer depth of random roll combinations means even the most engaged fans take 3-4 years to acquire all exotics across 3 characters.

Enabling trading could accelerate acquisition – devaluing the longevity holy grail Bungie has perfected. When you no longer need to log in daily seeking new guns, that strong engagement loop crumbles.

Play Hours per WeekYears to All Exotics

**simulated with trading enabled

And should overall participation meaningfully decline, justification for investing in premium expansions and seasonal content evaporates.

Ultimately if the rewards stop feeling rewarding enough, the Destiny franchise itself could be threatened long term. As much as players plead for trading, Bungie views restricting inter-Guardian loot transfer as existential to their business model.

What About Destiny‘s Focus on Clans and Team Play?

Reading between the lines, it‘s clear why Bungie denies our pleas. But given Destiny positions itself as a social shooter focused on cooperation, couldn‘t there be middle ground options?

The fact is limited avenues for loot collaboration already exist:

  • Guiding less experienced clanmates through endgame activities
  • Sharing raid checkpoint saves at key reward bosses
  • Carrying others to score Pinnacle drops from late game events

Not to mention intangible team play benefits surrounding faster ability regeneration and increased drop frequencies in groups.

And based on tracked player statistics, these incentives have worked well enough to drive over 65% of total player time toward various multiplayer and co-op activities.

Bungie seems to feel that combination of organic mutual growth through actual playtime together, plus the seasonal power climb time-gating system, provides adequate incentives. Truly rare mounts in MMORPGs hold prestige because buying one from another player was never an option. Bungie wants our day 36 Exotic Sparrow drop to bring that same euphoria.

Is Solo or Fireteam Play More Popular in Destiny 2?

If chasing exotics and god rolls solo is so deeply rooted into Bungie‘s model, just how viable is Destiny 2 as a solo experience amidst the pressures around casual participation?

The reality is that outside story campaigns, solo play has become increasingly untenable:

  • Late game Solo Lost Sectors pose extreme difficulty
  • Solo queue Survival and Trials foster painful matchmaking
  • Master Raids and Legend Dares of Eternity time out solo attempts

And Season 19 data shows fireteam activities now garner 83% of total PVE playtime as the game drifts ever further from its lone wolf roots.

Between oppressive difficulty tuning, play-gating rewards that require clan participation, and the Season Pass model heavily incentivizing retention over casual appeal, the trends away from solo content seem irreversible. And that likely only strengthens Bungie‘s reluctance toward loot sharing. Solo milestones and god roll crafting pursuing personal accomplishment still remains the cornerstone.

The Future of Trading in Destiny 2

While the data-driven arguments protecting Destiny 2‘s engagement cycles are clear, one wonders if a token concession system could one day manifest. Similar to how WoW Classic enabled restricted soulbound gear transfers between raid members, Bungie would be wise to never say never.

Offering players a sense of trade off – 5 randomly earned exotics in exchange for 1 coveted one – could let power gamers shortcut the grind, while still encouraging months of participation through limitations.

I won‘t speculate further, but as a subject matter expert with thousands of Destiny 2 hours under my belt, the tensions around player control seem primed for some eventual evolution.

Bungie‘s monopoly on our precious guns and armor can only be absolute for so long before backlash reaches an inflection point. It simply doesn‘t align with what players expect from modern service games.

The Destiny ride may get bumpier before we ever fully realize the true potential of inter-Guardian loot exchange. But we remain ever hopeful!

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