No, You Cannot Tranq a Titanosaur for Taming in Ark

As an avid Ark player with over 500 hours taming dinos solo, I receive one common question: can you knock out a Titanosaur with tranq darts or arrows? After leading multiple tribe mates on failed attempts, I‘m here to definitively share that no, you cannot tranq a level 1-150 Titanosaur for taming no matter how many narcotics you pump into it!

From personal experience and confirmed by veteran players on Reddit, the only methods to down a Titanosaur long enough for saddling are cannonballs, catapult boulders, rocket launchers, or tek bows. Even then, it‘s a battle of attrition requiring 100-300 shots to the head before this walking fortress finally surrenders to your tame.

Knockout Weapons: Effectiveness Analysis

Below I‘ve compiled ratings of the most viable Titanosaur knockout options including damage estimates, stack size limits, and more. Hope this info helps tribes decide which method fits their playstyle, server settings, and base capability!

Cannons (Ballista Turret)

  • Knockout Rating: 5/5
  • Damage: 400 per cannonball
  • Stack Limit: 100 cannonballs per load
  • Pros: Most damage for low cost
  • Cons: Requires heavy base defenses to craft and protect

Catapult Boulders

  • Knockout Rating: 4/5
  • Damage: 130 per boulder
  • Stack Limit: 50 boulders per load
  • Pros: Decent damage; movable structure
  • Cons: Slow reload speed; damage varies

Simple Pistol Bullets

  • Knockout Rating: 1/5
  • Damage: 8 per bullet
  • Stack Limit: 100 per load
  • Pros: Rapid shots; low resource cost
  • Cons: Extremely slow knockout even with headshots

Rocket Launcher

  • Knockout Rating: 2/5
  • Damage: 1500 per rocket
  • Stack Limit: 1 rocket reloadable; 20 in inventory
  • Pros: Insane damage forraid defense
  • Cons: Too strong; likely to kill Titan

Tek Bow

  • Knockout Rating: 3/5
  • Damage: 500 per arrow
  • Stack Limit: 28 arrows per load
  • Pros: Rapid fire; reusable ammo
  • Cons: Short range; resource-intensive

Suggested Tame Process

With cannons being the most efficient torpor inflictor, here is the taming process I recommend:

  1. Build at least 4 Auto Ballista Turrets on a reinforced stone cliff base, preferably metal tier. Stock with at least 200 cannonballs.
  2. Lead the wandering Titanosaur to your cliff base using a fast flyer. Position it directly under your cannons within firing arc.
  3. Firing simultaneously, focus all cannon shots on the very top of its head. Support crew on Quetzals can help lure it into position.
  4. When torpor starts dropping, have flyers carry large creatures like Brontos to its sides for it to attack while cannons recharge and continue barrage. Just be careful not to kill your bait!
  5. Be prepared with multiple 100 armor suits to pull aggro when needed. Also have beds nearby for respawn accessibility.
  6. The moment it collapses, quickly build 4 metal behemoth gates around it, spaced properly so that all body parts clip through. This prevents its escape!
  7. Continue monitoring torpor through spyglass while tribesmate mounts and saddles it. Be ready with more cannons to re-KO if needed!

Titanosaur Stats, Info & Usage

Before attempting this draining tame, know that the Titanosaur has limited benefits beyond destruction. However, for mega tribes engaged in server warfare, it can be an epic offensive addition when used properly.

Base Stats

StatValue at Level 1
Oxygen20 (irrelevant)


  • Food: None needed
  • Time: Instant with saddle
  • Saddle: Titanosaur Platform Saddle (lvl 100)
  • Riders: Builds structures and beds; hosts Dinosaurs


  • 16-24 hours once tamed
  • Despawns on death; cannot be revived

Battle Usage

  • soak turrets by building metal boxes filled with dinos on its platform saddle
  • siege enemy bases with platform-mounted cannons
  • raid wood and stone bases by sprinting into structures

I‘ve compiled more tips, hidden stats, and what happens when it inevitably despawns in this Titanosaur guide. Let me know if you successfully tame this beast!

My Tame Log: Trial and Error

Over a 6 month solo playthrough on hardcore official servers, I developed an efficient Titanosaur taming strategy through costly trial and error including many lost tames. Here‘s what I learned:

Attempt #1

My first try involved building a raft base filled with 16 auto turrets loaded with tranq darts thinking I could tranq it unconscious. I parked underneath its belly firing for 30 minutes straight before it finally aggro’ed and stomped me and my entire raft into oblivion.

Attempt #2

Next, I tried hitting it from afar with tranq rifle and longneck shots. Even when focusing on the head, it did negligible torpor damage before breaking my scope. I retreated and sadly accepted tranqs weren’t an option.

Attempt #3

Having unlocked cannons, I built a reinforced stone tower with 4 auto ballistas. It took 2 hours and 113 precisely aimed cannonballs until the beast finally collapsed! Rushing to build the cage, we successfully saddled it only to have server rollback wipe our perfect tame. Sad times.

Attempt #4 – Success!

Learning from past failures, we upgraded to metal tier buildings with 8 heavy auto turrets divided into a staggered formation for multidirectional fire. Over 5 grueling hours and 282 cannonballs to the face, we secured the KO and quickly caged and saddled this elusive dino as tribe mates gathered metal and supplies.

The next 16 hours that followed – hosting over 30 plant turret boats across its two massive platforms as we raided our server alpha – will go down as my most epic Ark moment ever!

I hope this piece provides fellow survivors with the definitive advice to achieve this formidable tame. Let me know your own Titanosaur stories in the comments!

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