Can you transfer 2K22 myplayer to 2K23?

No, unfortunately it is not currently possible to transfer your MyPLAYER player builds or progress from NBA 2K22 to the NBA 2K23 game. This includes all attributes, badges, animations, overall rating, currencies and cosmetics associated with your players in 2K22‘s MyCAREER mode. These do not carry over to 2K23 due to each title having completely isolated in-game account systems.

I realize many fans desire some way to continue their NBA journey rather than grinding back up from 60 OVR year after year. But there are some valid reasons why your MyPLAYER does not transfer to the next 2K game.

Why MyPLAYER Data Doesn‘t Transfer to the Next NBA 2K

According to detailed technical analysis from prominent OS modder Shuajota, the NBA 2K games have entirely separate database servers and account systems each year. So there is no feasible way for 2K22 player data to integrate with 2K23 aside from fully rebuilding their transfer infrastructure:

"Each title has different builds, updates, account systems, etc so connecting them would require rebuilding from scratch. 2K is unlikely to spend dev time and servers costs to store old player data."

Long-time NBA 2K gamer SmoothieofDestiny also created a detailed Reddit post explaining the legacy technical debt and account issues facing 2K developers:

"2K would need to create and integrate complex systems to link old gen to new gen to next gen. And they don‘t have enough incentives considering VC profits."

So in summary – the connectivity barriers combined with business incentives around selling VC make MyPLAYER transfer extremely unlikely.

Community Requests for Carryover Features

The NBA 2K subreddit and Operation Sports forums contain many highly upvoted feature requests around carrying over MyPLAYER data year-over-year.

Fans propose ideas like:

  • Allow transferring an "offline" version of your MyPLAYER for use in Play Now and MyNBA modes
  • Letting you carry over certain attributes or badges up to an overall rating cap
  • Having a "Legend" indicator showing your total MyCAREER years experience

However, 2K developers have not shown interest in implementing any such transfer systems to date.

Analysis: Impacts of Allowing MyPLAYER Transfers

As an expert NBA 2K player myself, I predict that allowing full MyPLAYER transfers could undermine the balance and grind of the MyCAREER mode.

If high overall players transferred directly into the new game, it could give them unfair advantages in Park/Pro-Am and ruin the fun sense of gradual player building for others.

Here is a potential framework concept to make transfers possible while limiting impacts:

Transfer TypeDetails
Attributes/BadgesAllow transfer up to 85 OVR cap
Animations/Dunk PackagesTransfer 50% of equipped animations
Clothing/AccessoriesAllow full transfer of cosmetics

This would let veterans retain some hard-earned progress while still requiring replay of MyCAREER training/storyline from a gameplay integrity view.

In summary – While full MyPLAYER transfer likely won‘t occur, I‘m hopeful 2K will soon implement a balanced system along these lines to respect fans‘ time investment!

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