Can you transfer Destiny 1 characters to Destiny 2?

No, you cannot directly transfer or migrate any characters or character data from Destiny 1 into Destiny 2. The two games feature separate standalone progression systems and do not share character data. However, some legacy entitlements like emblems may carry over by linking your account.

Linking Your Bungie Account Between Games

To associate your Destiny 1 and 2 accounts:

  1. Sign in to
  2. Under Settings, go to Accounts & Linking
  3. Link your platform accounts (PSN, Xbox Live, Steam, etc.)

This allows entitlements like emblems to appear across both games. But no character data, gear, currencies or progression are shared.

What Carries Over from Destiny 1 to Destiny 2?

Here‘s what will make the jump when you link your accounts:

  • Some emblems
  • Collector‘s Edition digital entitlements
  • profile and friends list

Your characters, progression, possessions, currencies, and Eververse items remain in Destiny 1 only.

Tips for New Light Players Coming from Destiny 1

If you‘re just getting started in Destiny 2 after playing the first game, keep these tips in mind:

  • Be prepared to start gear and level progression from scratch
  • Focus first on unlocking supers and abilities for your preferred class
  • Save enhancement materials until you reach the soft power cap
  • Refer to vendors in the Tower to catch up on the Destiny 2 storyline

Preserving Your Destiny 1 Characters

While you can‘t bring your Destiny 1 characters forward into the sequel, they still reside in the original game. To revisit them later:

  • Don‘t delete your D1 characters
  • Log into Destiny 1 periodically to prevent account pruning
  • Replay nostalgic D1 activities and missions

Future Possibilities for Character Migration

Bungie has not announced any plans to allow Destiny 1 character migration. However, cross-progression has arrived in Destiny 2 across platforms generations. Perhaps after the Destiny 1 servers sunset, Bungie could potentially honor veteran D1 guardians in future games. But nothing is confirmed.


In summary – no, you cannot transfer or import your Destiny 1 character data, gear or progression into Destiny 2. You start fresh while carrying over some legacy entitlements. But linking your Bungie account allows you to unite your guardian‘s legacy across both games.

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