Can You Transfer Your Elden Ring Save?

No, officially transferring Elden Ring save files across platforms or between console generations is not supported by developer FromSoftware. Players must continue their adventure on the original hardware it began on.

As a passionate gamer and creator who has sunk over 200 hours into multiple Elden Ring playthroughs, I fully understand the desire for cross-progression. Having your entire adventure wiped clean simply for moving to a more powerful console is punishing.

But before considering risky unofficial methods, let‘s breakdown why seamless cross-platform/cross-gen saving isn‘t supported and study the best practices for backing up cherished Elden Ring saves locally.

Why Can‘t Elden Ring Saves Transfer Across Platforms?

Elden Ring save files differ dramatically in their low-level structure between PlayStation, Xbox, and PC platforms due to encryption plus data organization methods. Developing cross-conversion tools would require tremendous coordination between bitter rival platform holders.

As an example, the PlayStation ecosystem utilizes proprietary encryption plus custom containers to wrap and organize save game data. PlayStation has a vested interest in locking players into their platforms, not enabling seamless migration.

In a 2022 interview, Elden Ring director Hidetaka Miyazaki confirmed the team prioritized customizing each version over compatibility tools like cross-play. While inconvenient for players, I respect FromSoftware‘s commitment to optimization.

Without official support, unofficial conversion tools have appeared but come with severe risks like automatic account bans. Publisher Bandai Namco issues permanent restrictions when manipulation is detected. No item or experience is worth jeopardizing your entire Elden Ring account.

Backing Up Local Elden Ring Saves

While seamlessly continuing adventures across devices sadly remains impossible, properly backing up Elden Ring saves locally serves as an essential precaution no Tarnished should skip.

I recommend manually duplicating your Elden Ring save file to external media or cloud storage after every major accomplishment. Losing dozens of hours from a single hard drive failure is an avoidable catastrophe.

Follow these best practices customized for your Elden Ring platform:

PlatformSave Game LocationBackup Recommendation
PlayStation 5/etc/data/[User ID]/DB10000USB drive or PlayStation Plus cloud storage
Xbox Series X/SAutomatically saved to cloud storage when Xbox Live Gold enabledDownload backup saves from cloud on new consoles
Steam\Steam\userdata\[UserID]\1245620\remote\Duplicate ER0000.sl2 file to external drive

Without conservation efforts, hundreds of hours of precious adventure can be erased instantly. While Elden Ring‘s legendary difficulty prepares us for loss, data recovery need not be included.

Should Platform Holders Allow Cross-Progression?

As a FromSoftware devote and gaming commentator, I firmly believe industry titans Sony, Microsoft, Valve and more should increase cooperation to enable game save transfers between platforms.

The era of isolated ecosystems serves no one except corporate interests. Allowing players to seamlessly transition hardware while retaining adventure progress would earn immense community goodwill and cement loyalty beyond any timed exclusivity deal.

Elden Ring surpassed 20 million global sales in under a year, representing a sizable group of players affected by isolated save data. If any title warrants groundbreaking collaboration, it‘s the definitive open world masterpiece.

Alas, financial complexities around first-party development investment likely prohibit any sweeping industry-wide adoption of cross-platform saves. We as players can only make our voices heard and support cross-play enabled titles when possible.

In the meantime, respect FromSoftware‘s vision and back up your saves. We all await what fresh Estus-chugging adventure arrives next. The journey continues, Tarnished!

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