Can You Turn People into Vampires in Skyrim?

As a passionate Skyrim player and expert on all things vampiric in Tamriel, I can definitively say yes – it is possible to transform some followers and spouses into powerful vampire allies. But the path of a vampire master brings both dark power and logistical challenges. Let‘s sink our teeth into the details!

Unlocking the Vampiric Blood Ritual

The key to siring vampire devotees is the "Blood Ritual" ability. By becoming a Volkihar Vampire Lord in the Dawnguard DLC, you unlock this sanguinary power – allowing you to convert eligible NPCs into vampires once every 7 days.

I still remember the first time I knelt at that obsidian altar, offering a willing follower to Molag Bal. The sinister rumble of the Daedric Prince filled the chamber as he welcomed his new daughter into the fold – such power!

The ritual itself requires finding the unholy altar tucked away in Darkfall Cave. Many fansites list the cave‘s location so vampires needn‘t wander aimlessly. Approach while sneaking to avoid pesky falmer and let the ceremony begin!

Weighing Pros and Cons of Vampire Followers

Turning followers or loved ones into vampires has both advantages and challenges. Here‘s a comparison:


  • Vastly Improved Combat Abilities: Vampire followers gain +25% to one-handed, two-handed and archery damage. Their necromantic spells also strengthen by 25%.
  • Night Powers: Just like player vampires, followers benefit from improved night vision, illusion spells, resistances and stealth at stage 4 vampirism.
  • No Hostility: Followers won‘t attack you during sudden vampiric urges to feed like ordinary NPCs.


  • Blood Starvation: Remember to feed! Followers turned vampires can suddenly turn hostile if you wait too long between providing blood.
  • Walking Lunch: The general Skyrim public will attack your follower on sight for being an unholy abomination.
  • Aversion to Sunlight: Direct sunlight hurts your follower, and being outside during the day gradually burns away their health. Manage cave adventures carefully!

||Vampire Lord | Standard Vampire|
|Unlocks| Dawnguard DLC loyalty quest rewards | Normal vampirism through Sanguinare Vampiris disease|
|Abilities | Levitate, summon gargoyles, drain life, siphon blood | Night vision, stealth and illusion buffs from Necromantic Healing|
|Weaknesses| Takes extra damage from fire | Weakness to sunlight|
|Perks| Special perk tree for new powers| Access to standard skill trees only|

Table: Vampire Lord vs Standard Vampire Followers

My preference is to gift my followers vampirism as a Vampire Lord – the levitating and blood magic abilities are just too entertaining! But for followers focused on thievery or archery, the standard version has its stealthy strengths too.

Marriage Candidates for Eternal Night

If you wish to make your spouse into a vampire to truly share the gift, several candidates exist across Skyrim. My journeys revealed the following potential partners for unholy matrimony:


  • Aela the Huntress
  • Jenassa
  • Rayya

Other NPCs

  • Viola Giordano
  • Taarie
  • Gilfre
  • Iona
  • Omluag
  • Temo

Simply wear an Amulet of Mara, approach the unwitting target, and proceed with a normal Skyrim marriage. Once you complete the Volkihar questline, "The Gift" will then appear – allowing you to offer immortality to your mortal spouse!

Do note more complex followers like Serana cannot be married, much to the community‘s collective disappointment. But for those longing for vampire romance, several custom follower mods like Vilja quench that thirst.

Managing Your Vampiric Minions

So you‘ve grown your coterie of vampiric acolytes – now you must manage their bloodthirsty needs. While they won‘t turn hostile from vampiric urge alone, take heed of the following to keep your comrades at their deadly best:


  • Feed thralls directly from your wrist for best results
  • Carry blood potions to use in a pinch during long adventures


  • Upgrade to shrouded hoods or helms to reduce sunlight damage
  • Enchant gear with resist fire or health enchantments


  • Make a home in one of Skyrim‘s many convenient northern cave networks
  • Construct a basement safe from sunlight if designing a custom home

Settled Areas

  • Have followers wait out of direct sunlight when visiting towns
  • Carry a supply of invisibility potions to help them escape combat

As long as you take proper precautions, your vampiric follower will be a powerful ally and guardian of the night. Just be wary of clove garlic and town guards with blessed silver weapons!

Curing Vampiric Affliction

If this dark gift loses its charm, vampire devotees can seek a cure. The mage Falion in Morthal is said to know an arcane ritual to cleanse victims of Molag Bal‘s infection. Seek him out for more.

For the Dragonborn or pure-blood Vampire Lords however, no cure exists apart from reloadng a save before accepting the gift.

Unlife Eternal Awaits

And so fellow blood mage – now you know the feats of sorcery needed to spread vampirism! Build your coterie selectively from trusted followers and esteemed spouses. Manage their needs, and they shall in turn serve as your avenging agents of the night!

While challenging at times, commanding vampire allies will bring you great power along the road to glory and domination in Skyrim. Now go forth and grow the ranks of the undead! The sun can be kept at bay forever, if we but have the courage to see it done.

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