Can you unmerge Overwatch 2 accounts?

Yes, Blizzard does provide the option to unlink or "unmerge" Overwatch 2 accounts. However, this comes with significant downsides, like losing all shared progress and triggering account lockouts. So unmerging accounts should only be done as an absolute last resort if necessary.

What Exactly Does Unmerging Accounts Do?

When you originally merged accounts, likely from different platforms, it unified all progress under one main account. Things like skins, credits, competitive ranks, and statistics were consolidated together.

Unmerging reverses this process entirely. It completely separates the accounts once again, removing any connections between them.

  • Any progress originally made on a specific platform will return solely to that platform after an unmerge. For example, loot box items unlocked on Xbox would return to the Xbox account only.
  • The unified progression and inventories created by a merge will be split up or erased. Players risk losing these collective unlocks if they unmerge incorrectly.

Essentially, unmerging acts as an account reset button, taking everything back to a pre-merged state.

Why Would You Want to Unmerge Accounts?

There are some niche cases where players might want to take the serious step of unmerging Overwatch 2 accounts:

  • To correct an accidental or wrongful merge if it overwrote important progress.
  • To uninstall and remove the game entirely from an owned platform.
  • To sell or gift away one Overwatch 2 account without its progress carrying over.

However, unmerging comes with permanent effects that can be seriously disruptive:

Effects of Unmerging

Lost Shared ProgressAny unified inventories, ranks, etc. created by a merge will be erased.
1 Year LockoutPlayers cannot relink accounts for 1 year after unmerging.
Customer Support NeededRecovering erroneously lost progress may require contacting Blizzard support.

So players need to carefully weigh if separating accounts is truly necessary before proceeding.

Viable Alternatives to Account Unmerging

Thankfully, fully resetting account connections isn‘t the only option for players needing to correct issues with merged progress. Some alternatives worth exploring first:

  • Contacting Blizzard Support: Their customer service team can directly help recover lost items, fix rank reversals, or undo problematic merges without needing an unmerge. This is generally the best first step.
  • Creating Smurf Accounts: Making fresh secondary accounts leaves original merges intact, but offers a new start. Useful if you just want an alt account or made irreversible mistakes on your first one.
  • Account Gifting/Selling: Players can directly sign-in and gift away access to unwanted accounts with shared progress still inside without unmerging. The 1 year lockout only applies to the specific account that gets unmerged.

Analyzing the Unmerge and Relink Process

If those alternatives still don‘t meet your needs, here is a full overview of actually going through the unmerge process for Overwatch 2:

Unmerging Accounts

  1. Log in to your main account that you want to keep merged progress on.
  2. Under account settings, access the "Connections" page.
  3. Locate the platform account you wish to separate and select "Disconnect".
  4. Carefully confirm you want to unlink the accounts.
  • Once confirmed, all shared progress will split back into the individual accounts. So double check first!

Relinking After 1 Year Wait

  1. Wait the full 12 month lockout period without merging/relinkings.
  2. Reaccess the Connections page and select your desired platform.
  3. Follow the prompts to securely reconnect a fresh account from that platform to your
  4. Confirm the correct accounts are chosen before merging progress once again.

So in summary – yes you can unmerge Overwatch 2 accounts if truly necessary, but alternatives are strongly recommended before utilizing this disruptive nuclear option. The effects are lasting, so tread carefully!

Let me know if you have any other questions.

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