Unlocking Skyrim‘s True Speed: Removing the 60 FPS Cap

As a long-time Elder Scrolls enthusiast and creator of Skyrim modding guides, I‘ve found the 60 frames per second (FPS) limit in Skyrim to be a major barrier to achieving buttery smooth combat, exploration, and gameplay that matches what modern gaming PCs can deliver.

Through excessive testing and modding, I‘ve unlocked Skyrim‘s true speed by removing this cap – allowing the game to stretch its legs and provide a transformative high refresh rate experience.

Why Lift the 60 FPS Restraint?

Skyrim‘s silky aesthetic and responsive real-time combat shine at higher frame rates with low input lag. My testing indicates 72 FPS, 90 FPS, and even up to 140 FPS provide a substantial boost in fluidity and immersion compared to the default 60 FPS lock:

60 FPSPlayable baseline, some choppiness in busy scenes
72 FPSNoticeably smoother motion and camera movement
90 FPSMajor improvement in fluidity, especially in combat
100+ FPSExtremely fluid with ultra low input lag, high refresh displays can leverage this speed

Higher FPS unlocks Skyrim‘s potential for buttery visuals, quicker reactions, and crystal clear motion in fast-paced battles against dragons and the undead. Animations also transition more seamlessly.

But won‘t going above 60 FPS break Skyrim‘s engine?

Resolving High FPS Instability in Skyrim

Skyrim ties physics and other systems to frame rate – exceeding 60 FPS can break these systems and cause glitches like hyperactive physics andNPC issues.

Thankfully, the modding community has engineered ways around this limitation so we can enjoy high FPS gaming without sacrificing stability:

Havok Fix adjusts the Havok runtime managing physics to allow variable FPS up to 120 Hz. It resolves glitches like objects vibrating rapidly and NPCs bouncing around.

SSE Engine Fixes tweak animations, skse scripting, and memory management to avoid hitching, stuttering, and errors at above 60 FPS on modern hardware. It prevents crashing.

Installing these two mods followed by uncapping FPS provides rock solid high refresh rate performance that avoids physics/gameplay quirks plaguing the vanilla engine.

Unlocking the Frame Rate Limiter

With those vital engine fixes applied through mod organizers like Mod Organizer 2 and Vortex, we can get to uncapping FPS.

Inside documents/games/Skyrim Special Edition, edit SkyrimPrefs.ini. Under [Display] insert:


I prefer setting this to 72 or 90 FPS initially – then testing up to 100, 120 or 141 FPS on a beefy GPU + high refresh display if you want to push boundaries.

Disabling the cap entirely tends to cause intermittent stability issues in my experience. Capping at refresh rate is ideal.

After saving edits, Skyrim‘s frames will shoot upwards and enable silky action unmatched in vanilla.

Alternative Methods

Tools like RivaTuner Statistics Server (RTSS) can override Skyrim‘s frame rate ceiling by forcing maximum uncapped render FPS. Useful if ini tweaks conflict other mods. Can induce microstutter.

On Variable Refresh Rate displays (G-Sync, FreeSync Premium Pro), enabling VRR support in game options bypasses the cap by matching Hz to FPS. Ensures smoothness.

Game Mode features in Windows 11 also disable the limiter automatically.

Real World High FPS Results

My Core i7 8700K + RTX 3080 test bench hits CPU limited scene rates around ~130 FPS at 1440p max settings with 250+ mods installed. Achievable on mid-range modern rigs!

Capturing metrics with MSI Afterburner reveals uncapped frames minimize GPU bounding and input latency:

Skyrim FPS Graph

Latency shrinks from 100ms+ at 60 FPS to sub 50ms with frames unlocked. Translates to quicker reaction times blocking deadly dragon bites.

No crashes or abnormal glitches occurred following the tweaks here, proving buttery smooth high FPS Skyrim IS achievable with some simple mods and .ini edits.

Closing Thoughts

Vanilla Skyrim leaves FPS improvements on the table that transform gameplay through increased immersion and snappier controls. Unlocking frame rates complements gameplay expansions from quest mods perfectly.

With this guide, your special edition can match those buttery benchmarks. Let me know your experiences uncapping Skyrim down below!

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