Can You Unlock Dinosaurs in Path of Titans?

Yes, players can unlock access to a menagerie of different playable prehistoric creatures in Path of Titans. With over 45 dinosaurs currently available and more stretch goals coming, you‘ll have plenty of beasts to grow and evolve.

How Dinosaur Unlocking Works in Path of Titans

Path of Titans features a growth and progression system that rewards time invested with new dinosaurs and cosmetics. Here‘s an overview:

  • You start by selecting one free dinosaur.
  • Earn growth points to mature from juvenile through three adult tiers.
  • Each growth stage takes incrementally more XP – estimated times below:
Growth StageXP RequiredEst. Quests*Playtime
Juvenile000 min
Sub Adult240,000808 hrs
Adult600,00020020 hrs
Elder1.5 million50050 hrs

*30 sec growth pts per quest

  • Collect in-game marks to purchase embryos of new dinosaurs to unlock.

Unlocking all dinosaurs requires earning marks to purchase new dinosaurs in addition to regular growth progression.

Complete Daily & Weekly Quests

Quests provide the most efficient source of consistent growth points and marks.

  • Daily quests – Refresh every 20 hours with 3 new objectives awarding 30s growth, ~500 marks each
  • Weekly quests – More challenging long-term goals awarding 5m30s growth, ~5k marks
Quest TypeQuantityFrequencyTotal Rewards
Daily320 hours2m30s, ~1500 marks
Weekly27 days11m, ~10k marks

With ideal playtime and planning, you can reasonably achieve over 100 daily quests in 14 days for ~8 hours of growth rewards. Combine that with weekly bonuses, and you can evolve dinosaurs rapidly through the adult tiers.

Exploration Unlocks New Free Dinosaurs

As you explore the expansive maps, you have a random chance to discover hidden nests with free dinosaur DNA samples.

  • The odds of nests spawning new free dinosaurs is estimated around 5%.
  • Certain high density areas and landmarks see more player traffic and dinosaur activity.

I recommend purchasing cheap herbivores like Dryosaurus to cover ground rapidly searching for nests. Focus exploration along the Southern shores, Northern mesas, and dense Central forests. These hotspots seem to have more success spawning rare nests.

Purchasing Eggs From the Market

While quests and exploration will add to your roster over time, purchasing embryos is the most direct way to unlock whatever dinosaur you have your eye on.

Here are the costs for some of the most in-demand dinosaurs:

AcrocanthosaurusLarge Carnivore50,000
AlbertaceratopsSmall Herbivore15,000
AlioramusMidsize Carnivore35,000
AmargasaurusLarge Herbivore40,000
BaryonyxMidsize Carnivore30,000

Expect to spend 35,000+ marks for many rare popular species. With daily quest income of ~1500 marks, it takes 24 straight days completing all quests to afford a 35k dinosaur!

If there‘s a specific creature you really want sooner, enable livestream monetization in your gameplay settings. Broadcasting gameplay can net you thousands in donations from eager viewers. Though it takes some effort to build an audience, it nicely supplements quest grind income.

Additional Tips for Unlocking Dinosaurs

  • Group with high level players for access to daily/weekly quests above your own level for a boost in growth rates
  • Once you unlock a dinosaur, you can pay to re-spec its upgrades. So feel free to experiment!
  • The Struthiomimus is hands-down the best dinosaur for new players. Great speed and stamina for questing and exploration.

Let me know if you have any other questions! Happy to share more insights into efficiently unlocking your favorite dinosaurs.

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