Can you use 2 controllers on A Way Out? Yes – it‘s designed for 2 player co-op

A Way Out is a co-op only game focused on the story of two convicts, Leo and Vincent. Unlike most games, it requires two controllers and lets two friends play through the entire experience together – whether online or side-by-side.

An Innovative Approach to Couch Co-op

As a long-time gamer, I‘ve played my share of split-screen multiplayer games. But none have gripped me like the cooperative escape of Leo and Vincent in A Way Out. Two heads are truly better than one here.

You take direct control of one convict, while a second player controls the other. You‘ll need to talk tactics, plan distractions, cooperate in fights and mini-games. It leads to a natural camaraderie – you feel like you‘re directing a buddy crime movie!

Some stand-out moments of 2 player chaos:

  • Planning an elaborate prison break with synchronized takedowns. I caused a riot while my friend stole the warden‘s clothes!
  • Playing connect-four with actual conversations that deepened our bro-mance.
  • Shooting at cops, then seamlessly leaping into a speedboat for our getaway!

Key Details on 2 Player Gameplay

Playable in both online and local wireless co-op, A Way Out checks all the boxes:

  • Locally, each player needs their own controller – no piggybacking off one controller.
  • Online, only the host needs to own the game thanks to EA‘s friends pass feature. This makes playing with a far away friend nice and affordable!
  • It‘s drop-in/drop-out friendly if you need to take breaks.
  • No need to stick near your co-op buddy – when the screen splits, it will warp you to reunite.

Progression wise, A Way Out is very linear. While you explore small sandboxes like farms and mansions, the core experience walks you along a movie plot of chase scenes, stealth, fights and climactic shootouts.

It lasts around 6-8 hours if you skip the enjoyable mini-games – like rhythm tests, baseball,Connect Four with your partner.

Playing The Odd Couple – Memorable Characters

Despite being criminals, Leo and Vincent offer some hilarious buddy comedy banter. And the way they play off each other‘s strengths is brilliant…

Leo is the brute force – aggressive, hot headed, with a grudge against Harvey. He Charges fists first into most situations. I often had to talk sense into him as Vincent.

Vincent is more refined and careful. Together you find ways to synergize – Vincent charms guards with distractions while Leo knocks them out.

This interplay leads to emergent fun. When a stealth approach failed, our Plan B was improvising a guns-blazing rampage!

Two Endings, High Replay Value

A Way Out‘s branching final act and two conclusions add replay value.

Your ending comes down to how vengeful you and your co-op partner feel towards Harvey at the end. This leads to a tense debate – do you kill him or show mercy?

There‘s something poetic about this final morality test. After all the trials faced together, how will Vincent and Leo leave their mark?

By The Numbers: Praise From Critics & Gamers

For a uniquely co-op experience, A Way Out impresses across the board:

Review ScoresUser ScorePlayers (M)Revenue (M)
81 Metacritic8.2 User3.5+$35+
  • Sold over 3.5 million copies at $30 a piece
  • Won co-op Game of Year 2018 from Game Awards
  • Reviewers praised the characters, varied gameplay

Sources: Metacritic, Forbes

Room For Improvement in a Sequel

As stellar as the buddy-comedy script and activities are, A Way Out‘s world feels small and linear at just 6 hours.

I‘d love to see a sequel set in a bigger open world, perhaps with 4 player co-op. Imagine gathering a crew of convicts to orchestrate a bigger prison riot! More emergent gameplay could come from creating your own plans.

Vehicle sections also beg for an upgrade – whether driving getaway cars or boats, the handliing feels primitive compared to GTA or Mafia games.

Still, with innovative co-op and a one-of-a-kind buddy movie experience, A Way Out stands on its own as a must-try co-op game. Grab a friend, two controllers, and escape prison together!

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