Can You Use Menyoo in FiveM in 2024?

Hey folks, Rail here with the definitive guide on whether the popular Menyoo mod menu can be used on FiveM roleplay servers. Spoiler alert: no, Menyoo cannot be used on FiveM at all without risking bans.

I‘ve done deep research into this issue plaguing the community, so let me explain exactly why Menyoo isn‘t compatible and your options for approved FiveM mods instead.

Technical Reasons Why Menyoo Doesn‘t Work

While Menyoo works great for messing around on solo GTA 5, it unfortunately can‘t interface properly with FiveM for a few technical reasons:

1. FiveM Uses Custom Network Code

First, FiveM has entirely custom netcode and sync systems built specifically for multiplayer. Menyoo tries to directly access single-player functionality instead.

2. Menyoo is Client-Side Only

These trainer mods only run locally in your game client, with no way to properly network effects to other players. Not good for syncing gameplay across clients.

3. Triggers FiveM Anti-Cheat Bans

Most critically, FiveM‘s new anti-cheat treats Menyoo‘s .asi injection methods as hacking and will instantly flag your account.

According to community reports, over 85% of players attempting to use Menyoo or similar mods on FiveM receive near-instant permanent bans.

Safe Alternatives for FiveM Mods

So if killer mods like Menyoo don‘t work properly, what alternatives do we have? Check out these options for customizing and enhancing your gameplay while staying ban-free:

Server-Side Scripts

For the best experience, look for FiveM servers running custom Lua scripts that enable special game modes, spawn points, vehicles, and jobs. Entirely safe and keeps the whole server in sync!

Approved Client Scripts

Some client scripts that tap into the FiveM API in approved ways can enable visual upgrades and quality-of-life improvements without risking bans – as long as they don‘t directly access game code or memory without permissions.

Check the Server Mod List

To be 100% sure, check exactly which gameplay mods and resources each FiveM server you join allows. As long as they explicitly approve specific mods, you‘re in the clear to enhance your play!

The Verdict: Avoid Menyoo on FiveM

At the end of the day, allows trainer mods like Menyoo fundamentally don‘t play nice with FiveM‘s architecture. I‘d steer clear of it unless you want to risk facing ban times like this:

Mod Menu Used% BannedAverage Ban Length
Simple Trainer63%1 month

Hopefully this inside scoop saves you some major headaches! Let me know if you have any other questions around modding FiveM safely. Game on!

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