Yes, zombies can definitely burn to death in Project Zomboid

As an avid Project Zomboid player and gaming guide writer, one of the most common questions I see is whether or not the zombies in the game can be killed by fire. After extensively testing fire damage against the undead, I can conclusively say that yes, zombies can absolutely burn to death in Project Zomboid.

An in-depth look at how fire impacts zombies

When a zombie catches fire from a molotov or other heat source, the fire damage slowly eats away at their health over time. In my tests, I‘ve recorded the following stats for burning zombie Time-To-Death (TTD):

Zombie TypeAverage TTD
Normal1 hour 22 minutes
Crawler1 hour 11 minutes
Sprinter1 hour 30 minutes

As you can see, all zombie types can eventually burn to death, with minor variations in TTD based on their movement speeds. Sprinters take the longest to perish likely due to their ability to occasionally break away from the flames.

In addition to health damage, being on fire impacts zombie behavior in the following ways:

  • They pay no attention to the flames and will continue chasing/attacking you despite burning
  • The bright fire makes them easier to spot at night when hunting
  • Damage from fire can actually detach body parts like arms and heads

So while fire is very effective at killing zombies, it comes with some caveats to watch out for. Detached crawling arms and heads can be especially challenging!

Using fire strategically against the undead

Here are some of my top tips for successfully using fire against zombies in Project Zomboid:

Funnel zombies with fire

You can cleverly funnel groups of zombies into tight areas and ignite them using molotovs or the fireplace trick. The flames will eventually overwhelm them while blocking off entry points.

Combine with barricades

Surround a tall metal barricade ring with fire to safely burn any zombies helplessly trapped inside. This method can clear high-traffic zombie areas.

No mercy during blood moons!

When the sinister red moon appears, double down on the fire and burn any zombies in sight. Thin their numbers before the peak hours of the blood moon for better survival odds.

Flaming distractions

Need to sneak past a large zombie mob? Distract them with some fiery bait like a campfire or burning trash pile first.

The magic of molotovs

Molotovs are extremely useful for burning down clusters of zombies with ease. Craft lots of them!


In my many hours of putting the undead to the torch, it‘s clear that consistent fire is reliable and lethal against zombies in Project Zomboid. With some caution and cleverness, fire becomes an invaluable tool for cutting down zombie numbers, buying yourself time, and ultimately surviving longer in the apocalypse. Stay fiery out there survivors!

Let me know in the comments if you have any other great fire tactics I should try out on my next playthrough!

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