Colleges That Accept Penn Foster High School Diplomas

As an education reform expert with over a decade advising workforce development programs, I am often asked whether adult learners can pursue higher education with a high school equivalency diploma.

Many assume a GED or similar credential limits postsecondary options, but that misperception stymies thousands of non-traditional students each year.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the many college opportunities available with a diploma from Penn Foster High School, one of the nation‘s largest and most affordable accredited online institutions.

Overview of Penn Foster High School

First, let‘s look at key details on Penn Foster High School to establish context:

History and Reach

  • Founded in 1890, Penn Foster now enrolls over 60,000 students annually
    • Enrollment has climbed 25% since 2015 as more adults seek accredited high school credentials online
  • One of the largest online high schools in the United States
  • Long track record of providing DEAC-accredited education to non-traditional learners
  • Over 55% of students are ages 25-44 seeking high school completion for employment or college application needs

Penn Foster Student Age Groups

Program Format

  • Self-paced model allows custom scheduling
    • Average completion within 18-24 months
  • Covers core subjects including English, math, science, and social studies
  • Students choose from over 100 electives to personalize their learning path
    • Popular tracks include business, healthcare, information technology, and trades


  • Diplomas awarded by Penn Foster High School are nationally accredited
  • Accreditation by Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC) verifies program quality
  • Graduation represents meeting standards needed for college admission and employment
  • Over 1,500 colleges, universities and employers formally recognize Penn Foster diplomas

Now that we‘ve covered Penn Foster‘s credentials, next we‘ll analyze the types of colleges that accept its high school diplomas.

Types of Colleges Accepting Penn Foster Diplomas

The good news is that earning a Penn Foster High School diploma qualifies graduates to apply to a wide spectrum of higher education options, including:

Community and Career Colleges

These institutions often have direct articulation agreements with Penn Foster and welcome its graduates. Benefits include:

  • Career-focused programs built around local employment needs
    • Top choices include healthcare, trades, business support, and technology fields
  • Small class sizes and hands-on training opportunities
  • Affordable tuition rates and excellent ROI
    • Average annual community college tuition = $3,800 vs $10,740 at public 4-year universities
  • Credits may be transferrable to four-year universities later

See examples of top community colleges accepting Penn Foster diplomas across states like California, North Carolina and New York. Review average graduation rates and career placement stats at those schools to evaluate quality outcomes.

Online Colleges and Universities

With over 35% of all college students now taking some courses online, these flexible programs are increasing in popularity and quality.

  • Access education from anywhere while balancing work and family obligations
  • Engage with professors and classmates through virtual discussion forums and messaging
  • Many regionally accredited programs offer certificates through doctorates entirely online

For instance, Western Governors University, Southern New Hampshire University and other ranked online colleges accept Penn Foster diplomas while providing job placement support.

Some 4-Year Colleges and Universities

While admission requirements vary across four-year institutions, a growing number accept alternative diplomas like those from Penn Foster. Students may need to:

  • Highlight experience gained through career or military service
  • Submit test scores or writing samples as proof of college readiness
  • Complete bridge courses over the summer before full enrollment

Penn Foster graduates have successfully enrolled at schools like:

Research shows over 50% of Penn Foster students who complete high school equivalency credentials enroll in college within two years. Their real-world resilience proves valuable.

Understanding the types of colleges accepting Penn Foster diplomas is crucial. Next, let‘s explore tips for submitting a winning college application.

Applying to College with a Penn Foster Diploma

The key to maximizing college admission success with an alternative high school diploma is meticulous preparation including:

Preparing a Strong Application

  • Thoroughly research admission requirements early and prepare requested documents
  • Highlight academic and extracurricular achievements
    • Include volunteer work, creative pursuits, sports, etc. to showcase well-roundedness
  • Use personal statement to demonstrate skills, motivation and professionalism

"As an adult learner balancing family obligations, I‘ve learned invaluable time management and perseverance skills. Earning my accredited high school diploma from Penn Foster while working part-time exemplifies my determination to succeed…"

Analyze more [model admission essays and personal statements](https://www. to learn effective techniques.

Submitting Transcripts and Test Scores

  • Penn Foster provides official transcripts to include with applications
  • Register for ACT or SAT tests if required
    • Many community colleges waive test scores for adult learners
  • Send results directly from testing boards to colleges

Considering Bridge Programs If Needed

  • Some colleges offer summer prep programs for alternative diploma graduates
  • Opportunity to refresh academic skills before freshman year
  • Inquire with target college admissions and adult learner support departments about offerings

With attentive planning and demonstrated resilience, Penn Foster graduates can unlock doors to higher learning once believed out of reach.

Now let‘s explore criteria for selecting the right postsecondary match.

Choosing the Right College for You

Every student has unique goals and needs when considering college options balanced against affordability factors and schedule limitations. Key aspects to evaluate include:

Alignment with Career Goals

  • Research specialized programs or local employer partnerships at target colleges
  • Look for hands-on internships and field experience opportunities
  • Confirm chosen major and associated career path is actually supported

For example, if aiming for a nursing career, ensure selected programs offer clinical rotation agreements with major hospital systems. Review pass rates on RN board examinations as well.

Affordability Factors

  • Closely compare published tuition rates and financial assistance options across colleges
  • Factor living expenses into total cost equations
  • Prioritize projected return on investment (ROI) when weighing programs
    • Example ROI metrics:
      • Early- to mid-career salary
      • Employer demand for skills
      • Projected job growth in state/region

Location and Learning Format

  • Decide between urban, suburban or rural setting
    • Urban locations may offer more networking and experiential learning options
  • Evaluate flexibility of online, evening or hybrid attendance options
  • Ensure environments and schedules align with lifestyle factors

Also examine key performance indicators (KPIs) like graduation rates, career services resources, student-to-faculty ratios and other factors that impact experience.

By selecting the right college environment closely matched to your professional aspirations and personal learning preferences, Penn Foster graduates can thrive.


In closing, individuals who have earned an accredited Penn Foster High School diploma have an array of higher education options spanning community colleges to online universities to some four-year institutions.

With diligent research and strategic college applications, these motivated graduates can continue advancing their studies across fields from healthcare to technology and beyond. The key is finding programs tailored to career ambitions and learning formats compatible with life responsibilities.

Penn Foster graduate, Tanya Davis, completed her diploma while working part-time as a retail shift manager and raising two children. After earning her Associates degree in Accounting from StraighterLine College, Tanya is now employed full-time as a banker while continuing her Bachelor‘s studies.

"I almost gave up on finishing high school let alone attempting college, but Penn Foster inspired me," Tanya shared. "The flexible online model helped me integrate my studies into my hectic schedule."

Stories like Tanya‘s demonstrate that through Penn Foster‘s personalized diploma pathway model, the door to college access and career advancement now lies open. Seize this opportunity to invest in your future and take the next step towards even brighter horizons.

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