Could a Helicopter Really Lift a Ship Like in Uncharted?

As an avid gamer and film fan, I was thrilled to see the adaptation of the popular Uncharted games hit the big screen earlier this year. Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg‘s global escapade makes for a fun popcorn flick. But the most epic scene has sparked lively debate among fans and aviation experts alike: can a helicopter actually lift an entire wooden sailing ship out of the ocean? Let‘s dig into the actual physics and history involved!

The Short Answer: No

While helicopter technology has come a long way, current heavy lift choppers do not possess anywhere close to the raw power needed to hoist a laden 500-year-old galleon straight from the sea. As we‘ll explore below, the carrack ships used by Magellan weighed up to 300 tons empty. Even the mightiest modern skycranes used in films can only lift around 20 tons safely. So appealing as it looks on screen, sadly this feat remains firmly in fantasy territory with current equipment.

The Skycrane‘s Impressive Yet Limited Strength

In both the Uncharted games and movie, the helicopter used to lift the ship appears to be the Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane. This beast of a transport chopper has an impressive maximum lift capacity of 20,000 lbs (about 10 tons). Outfitted with twin 4,500 horsepower engines, it can safely carry extremely heavy vehicles, platforms, and structures.

Other helicopters boast lift capacities ranging from a few tons up to the mighty Mil Mi-26‘s 44,000 lb record. But as you‘ll see, hauling a centuries-old sailing ship dwarfs even the strongest chopper‘s capabilities.

Helicopter ModelMax Lift Capacity
Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane20,000 lbs
Mil Mi-1033,000 lbs
Mil Mi-2644,000 lbs (record)

The Carrack: A Massive, Multi-Deck Wooden Ship

Maritime records indicate Magellan‘s small fleet included several carrack sailing vessels. These large cargo ships weighed up to 300 tons unladen, with the capacity to carry hundreds of sailors, multiple cannon decks, and spacious holds for storing food, supplies and treasure.

Constructed from enormous hand-cut wooden planks reinforced with timber beams, a single carrack could measure over 100 feet long and 40 feet wide. So these vessels dwarfed even the biggest helicopters well before you account for tonnage of cargo, crew, and array of sails/rigging.

Crunching the Numbers: Far Beyond Lift Limits

Let‘s break down the physics involved. According to maritime experts, a Spanish carrack typically weighed:

  • 300 tons unladen
  • Up to 500 tons when fully loaded

Converting tons to pounds:

  • 300 tons = 600,000 lbs
  • 500 tons = 1,000,000 lbs

In comparison, the Skycrane‘s max lift is only 20,000 lbs. So an empty carrack ship already outweighs its capacity by a factor of 30! Factor in ballast, crew, cargo etc – and lifting the entire vessel becomes downright impossible.

While we don‘t know the exact ships used in Uncharted‘s production, actually lifting a period-appropriate sailing ship far exceeds what even the most powerful helicopters can handle.

What About Lighter Prop Ships Used in Filming?

Of course cinema calls for some suspension of disbelief. It‘s likely the filmmakers used partial set pieces and lighter prop ships rather than period constructions weighing tons.

But according to behind the scenes footage, even these props provided significant challenges. Safety teams needed to simulate choppy conditions, while cranes supported some of the weight out of frame.

So both in the film and real-world, hoisting a laden galleon requires some movie magic paired with cutting-edge equipment.

The Allure of Adventure Goes Beyond Reality

While clearly beyond plausible lift parameters, this audacious helicopter scene captures the daring spirit of both the games and movies. The film aims to recreate the gravity-defying, thrill-a-minute sequences that make the franchise so iconic and enjoyable.

Bringing a ship out of the ocean makes for an epic, symbolic spectacle as our heroes finally uncover Magellan‘s long-lost treasure after so many near-misses and adventures.

So the intent here is cinematic grandeur and escapism rather than factual accuracy. Sometimes you just have to embrace the ride and scenic vistas rather than quibble about airflow velocity!

The Verdict: Firmly Fantasy, But What a Sight!

Given the immense size and weight of actual Spanish galleons compared to lift capacities of even the mightiest modern helicopters, could a chopper lift a ship as shown in Uncharted? Regretfully no.

But as a loyal fan, I for one loved seeing this epic scene brought to life on the big screen! While clearly unrealistic, it captures the thrill and boundless sense of wonder that makes the franchise so special. Suspend your disbelief and enjoy the glorious fantasy of it all!

Over and out, my fellow adventure-lovers! Where do you hope to see Nathan Drake’s exploits take him next? Let me know in the comments!

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