Did Aemond regret killing Luke? You betcha.

TLDR: While he‘s not exactly Prince Charming, big bad Aemond probably wished things went a bit different atop Storm‘s End…

My fellow fantasy fanatics, it‘s time to sink our teeth into the life and times of Aemond Targaryen; misunderstood antihero or just your garden-variety bully with an axe, er dragon, to grind? Grab some snacks and a glass of Arbor gold – we‘re in for a wild ride through Westeros‘ dense and bloody history concerning our one-eyed wonder.

Bad to the bone, or just a sad sack dealt a crappy hand?

Aemond Targaryen

"He didn‘t set out to kill Luke, but he also was out there playing a very dangerous game."

Yaitanes hits the nail on the head here. Our buddy Aemond‘s got more than a touch of darkness to him – losing an eye at age 10 to a slightly older nephew will do that. But did he truly want young Lucerys dead, or were more complex psychological forces at work?

As the militarily capable second son, constantly belittled by elders and usurped by his boorish brother as heir, Aemond‘s the very epitome of middle child syndrome given flesh. Small wonder the dangerous one felt his oats once securing Vhagar! Can you really blame the guy for clapping back at the little twerps who bullied and mutilated him?

Still, lines were clearly crossed leading to tragedy atop Storm‘s End. What truly happened 150 feet above the fated castle? Why can history never be straightforward when Targaryens clash?? -dramatic sigh- Onwards, noble readers…

The Fateful Flight – A Timeline of Disaster

2.15pmAemond begins chase after spotting Lucerys departing Storm‘s End
2.30pmVhagar closes distance on Arrax near Massey‘s Hook despite Luke‘s evasive maneuvers
2.45pmThe dragons clash violently in air after Arrax unleashes surprising jet of flame
2.50pmVhagar grabs Arrax in jaws, killing Luke. Aemond shouts desperate commands to break off
2.55pmVhagar lands atop Storm‘s End with Arrax‘s severed head clamped in mouth

Ambiguity certainly surrounds Vhagar‘s sudden aggression – surprising given her 180 year bond with House Targaryen. Had primal draconic instincts simply taken over? Did Aemond subtly guide her rage toward the young upstart? My theoretical gold is on Luke‘s doomed dragon, Arrax, firing first in a desperate show of fledgling temperament. But the truth remains as elusive as a slim volume of Septon Barth‘s writings!

Analyzing Accountability – Who‘s really at fault here?

Passions ran high leading up to this grizzly mid-air showdown. And while Aemond‘s clearly got some issues to work through regarding violent retribution, I personally consider him more a short-fused swaggerer than cold-blooded murdering psycho. Dude was likely just continuing the "kick the squat" hazing tradition he endured from Aegon. Still pretty knuckle-headed given their station, sure – but what self-respecting 20 year old jock hasn‘t done deeply stupid stuff trying to prove their worth??

Ultimately I theorize things went down approximately thusly:

  • Aemond chased Luke with the intent to scare him, not kill. Likely to capture as well for leverage against his traitorous sister
  • Luke panicked fleeing the massive Vhagar. His baby Arrax blasted fire defensively.
  • Said blast provoked Vhagar‘s combat instincts. Being 20 times older with more battle experience, she interpreted Arrax as a lethal threat
  • Vhagar attacked ferociously despite her rider‘s desperate pleas otherwise
  • Tragedy resulted all around – an old dragon obeyed primal urges rather than human commands. And royal youths once again proved lacking in wisdom

Lucerys Death

Fallout of a Future King‘s Worst Mistake

Though unintentional, Lucerys‘ gruesome demise sparked a brutal generational war rivaling any we‘ve witnessed in Westeros. As the inciting strike initiating open hostility between factions, this freak mid-air collision‘s impact simply cannot be overstated.

Ultimately the Targaryen civil war – known as The Dance of Dragons – claimed thousands of lives over its two year duration. Entire dragon lines were extinguished. Westeros itself was left ravaged and vulnerable to foreign threats like never before.

The Dance of Dragons

And what of our man Aemond? Did he meet some justice for accidentally sparking calamity by weaponizing his raging dragon against hapless kin? You know it baby! Poetic justice came screaming from the clouds astride another dragon a mere two years later.

Daemon Targaryen rode Caraxes in a final face-off against nephew and Vhagar above the Gods Eye lake. Their epic mid-air clash ended only in mutual destruction – Daemon leapt from his saddle to plunge a blade into Aemond‘s face and Vhagar dived fatally injured into waters below.

So for those still doubting Aemond‘s sincerity regretting Luke‘s death – ponder how events ultimately played out for the ill-fated prince. He lost his diasporic war, three siblings, his dragon, and eventually his own life in consequence.

I‘d say that‘s pretty fair penance for mistakes borne of arrogance in youth, no? Even for a tragically hardened middle child seeking validation through cruelty. What‘s your take? Give me all your hottest hot takes below!

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