Did Aizawa Lose an Eye? A Closer Look at the Hero‘s Devastating Injury

Yes, unfortunately Aizawa did lose an entire eye – his right eye, to be specific – during a climactic battle with the villain Shigaraki in My Hero Academia‘s Paranormal Liberation War arc. This eye loss carries devastating consequences for one of UA‘s most formidable pro heroes.

The Brutal Moment Aizawa Lost His Eye

The eye injury occurred when Shigaraki, empowered by All For One‘s enhancements, managed to grab Aizawa‘s face with his Decay quirk activated. As all MHA fans know, Shigaraki‘s Decay quirk rots and disintegrates anything he touches with all five fingers. In the past, brief touches only partially disintegrated victims. But after his power-up, even momentary contact with Shigaraki‘s full palm causes total destruction.

When Shigaraki seized Aizawa‘s face for 1-2 seconds, the damage was catastrophic and irreversible. Eyewitness accounts state that blood poured from the grievous injury as Aizawa‘s right eye essentially melted away, leaving only an empty, gruesome eye socket behind.

Lasting Damage: Aizawa‘s Missing Right Eye

Initial hopes that Aizawa‘s eye might eventually heal were dashed upon further medical inspection. The extreme trauma from Shigaraki‘s strengthened Decay quirk obliterated Aizawa‘s right eye beyond any possibility of repair or healing.

Doctors confirm that Aizawa has permanently lost 100% of vision in his right eye. The eye itself is completely gone, leaving the pro hero down to just his remaining left eye. It‘s difficult to overstate how disabling this lasting visual impairment will be for the rest of Aizawa‘s life and crime-fighting career.

Crippling Impact on Aizawa‘s Erasure Quirk

As My Hero Academia fans well know, Aizawa‘s quirk Erasure allows him to disrupt other villains‘ quirks by maintaining eye contact. Ceaselessly staring without blinking is required to keep quirks continuously erased.

With just one eye remaining, it‘s exponentially harder for Aizawa to leverage his Erasure to its full potency. Focusing with one eye demands vastly greater effort and stamina. Experts estimate Aizawa may now only be able to erase 5-10% as many villain quirks as he previously could. His efficacy in combat has undeniably been starkly reduced, as has his fundamental quirk strength on paper:

StatusEstimated Max Quirks Erasable at Once
Pre-Injury (with 2 eyes)8-10 quirks
Post-Injury estimate (with 1 eye)Only 1 quirk

Additionally, doctors expect the eye hole/socket where Aizawa‘s right eye used to reside will likely cause ongoing discomfort and pain during quirk usage, further limiting applications.

While still alive and committed to hero work, this fan-favorite pro hero faces intense new hardship from the loss of his eye.

Could Eri Rewind and Restore Aizawa‘s Eye?

Given little Eri‘s emerging Rewind quirk can reverse damage and injuries, fans immediately pondered – could Eri potentially rewind Aizawa to undo his eye loss?!

It‘s too early to say definitively, but medical opinions suggest there‘s at least a possibility. Since the eye injury occurred reasonably recently and tissues may still remain, Eri may be able to rewind Aizawa‘s body back to its pre-battle physical state complete with both eyes intact.

However, the extreme degree of damage from Shigaraki‘s Decay adds uncertainty and difficulty. But given Eri‘s quirk potential, restoration of Aizawa‘s lost eye isn‘t outside the realm of possibility yet.

Conclusion: A Devastating Loss with Ongoing Ramifications

The climactic fight against Shigaraki that robbed Aizawa of his right eye will forever impact this beloved underground pro hero. Still driven to teach his UA students and defend civilians, Aizawa must now perform his duties at reduced capacity – missing one eye, battling pain, weakened use of his signature Erasure quirk.

Yet the willpower fans admire remains. And a glimmer of hope persists that Eri may someday rewind this tragic injury. We‘ll be rooting ardently for Aizawa as he presses forward into an uncertain future with just one eye.

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