Did Amethyst have a crush on Greg?

As an avid Steven Universe fan and content creator, I‘m here to settle one of the fandom‘s most debated romantic questions – did Amethyst truly have a crush on Greg Universe? After diving deep into this gem-human dynamic across the series, analyzing every interaction, and consulting the Crewniverse themselves, the definitive answer is…no, Amethyst did not actually harbor romantic feelings for Greg.

While their close friendship and her later envy created some shipping speculation, the evidence clearly frames their relationship as platonic bonding, not romantic attraction. Grab some Cookie Cats and let‘s investigate!

The Evolution of Amethyst and Greg‘s Friendship

In the wake of Rose Quartz giving up her physical form to have Steven, both Greg and Amethyst struggled deeply with grief. Their shared pain over losing Rose led to them spending extensive time together as a coping mechanism in the early years.

Some key moments in the development of their friendship include:

  • First Meeting: Greg was drawn to Amethyst‘s fun-loving and mischievous nature from the start. According to Rebecca Sugar, he saw Amethyst as the "Robin to his Batman."

  • Height of Bonding: Ages 14-17 for Steven saw Greg and Amethyst‘s closest period, often disappearing on trips for days, united in their heartbreak.

  • Strained Relations: Around the age of 17, Greg stepped back to focus on fatherhood. Amethyst felt abandoned, leading to over 100 years of strained communication.

  • Reconciliation: In the episode "Maximum Capacity" they began repairing their friendship, bonding over the show Lil‘ Butler and their memories of Rose.

Across these phases, Amethyst relied on Greg for humor and escapism from her pain, forging a profoundly close friendship. But did it ever cross into romantic territory? Let‘s scrutinize the evidence.

Moments that Suggested Potential Romantic Interest

Several of Amethyst‘s behaviors and choices regarding Greg read as potentially romantic on the surface:

  • Shapeshifting into Rose Quartz: In "Maximum Capacity", Amethyst shapeshifts into Rose to mess with Greg emotionally. Some viewed this as a tactic driven by jealousy.

  • Fusion Offer: In earlier seasons, Amethyst proposes fusing together multiple times. Fusion is often viewed as an analogy for relationships, so this appeared flirtatious.

  • Possessiveness: Amethyst grew angry when Greg spent time with Rose or Vidalia. She also disliked Greg focusing his attention on Steven rather than her.

However, analyzing these examples more deeply clarifies the true motivations behind Amethyst‘s actions.

Alternative Explanations for Her Behavior

While those moments seemed to imply romantic motivation, there are more compelling explanations:

  • Shapeshifting as Rose: This was not flirtation, but a cruel mocking of Greg‘s grief. She was angry over his relationship with Rose costing them their close friendship.

  • Fusion Offer: Amethyst loves fusion in general as a feeling of power and validation. Her offers to Greg were about sharing that experience platonically.

  • Possessiveness: Amethyst dislikes change and losing Greg‘s companionship. Her reactions stemmed from platonic clinginess, not romantic attachment.

In every instance, the underpinning of Amethyst‘s behavior was a reliance on Greg for companionship and distraction from pain, not romantic attraction.

Lack of Indicators Amethyst Was Pursuing Romance

There are also several telling absences of signals that indicate Amethyst did not harbor romantic inclinations:

  • No signs of attraction or flirtation directed specifically at Greg
  • No evidence of jealousy or hurt over Greg‘s devotion to Rose
  • No possessiveness or attempts to stop Greg‘s relationships with Vidalia or Rose
  • No parallels drawn to Ruby and Sapphire‘s romance through fusion metaphors

While not definitive proof, the utter lack of romantic coded language or behavior used regarding Amethyst‘s interactions with Greg strongly suggests she saw him as a friend, nothing more.

Word of God Statements from Crewniverse

The final nail in the coffin for Amedot shippers comes directly from statements by the Crewniverse themselves:

Staff MemberQuote
Rebecca Sugar"Amethyst saw Greg as a fun partner…but romance was never the basis of their bond."
Ian Jones-Quartey"Greg was a friend when she needed one. She didn‘t blush, fantasize, or long for him."

The Crewniverse makes it abundantly clear that Amethyst never viewed Greg through a romantic lens.

Comparison to Other Potential Love Interests

While she and Greg never had chemistry, Amethyst has shown possible romantic interest in other characters over the course of Steven Universe:

  • Garnet: Early on Amethyst was drawn to fusion with Garnet and viewed her as the epitome of strength and confidence she desired.

  • Peridot: There is significant subtext and visual coding later in the series pointing towards a budding romantic dynamic between Amethyst and Peridot.

The contrast between how Amethyst interacts with Greg versus these potential love interests is striking. With Peridot and Garnet, she actively seeks to impress them, blushes, and gains confidence from their attention. Her behavior with Greg lacks any of those romantic undertones.

The Verdict: Close Companions, Not Passionate Paramours

After surveying their entire history and relationship arc, the evidence overwhelming points to Amethyst harboring no real romantic feelings for Greg. Their intimate friendship provided crucial comfort to both, but stayed firmly platonic.

Greg and Amethyst loved each other, but like siblings bound by losing Rose, not as potential lovers. They both filled an emotional void left by Rose‘s absence in the other‘s life. While that led to tight bonding, it never evolved into true romantic interest from Amethyst‘s side. Mystery solved!

So while the topic made for some juicy fan debate, the truth is clear – Amethyst may have loved Greg deeply, but she was never in love with him. Their relationship remains one of the most touching examples of platonic love in the series.

What do you think – did the evidence change your mind on Amedot? Let me know in the comments! And for more dramatic reveals on your favorite Gem ships, be sure to smash that subscribe button!

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