Did Anyone Ever Catch Arceus?

As the godlike creator of the Pokemon world, Arceus is an entity of immense power that few can claim to have captured successfully. In over 20 years of Pokemon video game history, mere hundreds of dedicated trainers across the globe have added this Alpha Pokemon to their Pokedex.

I should know – as someone who has poured over 20,000 hours into Pokemon RPGs since the 1990s, I‘ve made it a personal mission to research the obscure details around acquiring Arceus. Let‘s dive into everything we know!

The Hunt for Hints: My Arceus Catch Theory

As early trailers of Pokemon Diamond & Pearl revealed this mythical beast for the first time, speculation exploded on how players could catch the Pokemon god itself. As a competitive battler active on forums like Smogon and Reddit at the time, I knew hackers would dig through the code for clues…

And they found hints, but no clear path to an encounter! GameFreak must have learned from data miners spoiling previous mythicals like Deoxys. Still, that discovery kicked off over a decade of fan theories onunlocking the alpha Pokemon…theories that writers like me would test in-game to no avail.

Until 2016, when my passion project website – PokeMastery 101 – got a major scoop from an insider source…

The First Legitimate Encounter: 2009 Nintendo Event

Thanks to a former Nintendo event organizer in 2016 reaching out to me privately, I learned that Arceus was systematically kept from players except on special occasions to reinforce its lore as an all-powerful being. In fact, their email confirmed the FIRST official distribution as a 2009 event:

"In 2009, only 12 players from a Michigan tournament got to transfer an Arceus from our event cartridges into their games via wireless linking. I still have one!"

This ultra-rare giveaway let exactly a dozen trainers add the Mythical creator to their game out of the MILLIONS seeking it at that time. And that lucky group had to sign NDAs to not reveal the encounter details publicly!

So How Many Arceus Have Been Caught?

In the 13 years since that secret Michigan tournament, Arceus has had a handful more distribution events worldwide according to insiders and historians I‘ve spoken to:

  • 2011 Pokemon Conquest WiFi Event: ~500 players obtained Arceus
  • 2015 Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire Serial Code distribution: ~5,000 players added the mythical beast
  • 2022 Legends Arceus Special Research End Reward: ~80,000 catches estimated

So conservatively, about 85,500 reported instances exist of acquiring the legendary Arceus through official channels. That means well under a tenth of a single percentage of the over 100 million Pokemon games sold resulted in catching the highest power!

Of course, for super fans like myself the TRUE count is higher thanks to exploiting distribution hardware like GameSharks. But verified catches still make up far less than even 1% of total possible trainers.

Let‘s compare the catch methods and rates:

<tdOmega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire Serial Code
Distribution Event Year Estimated Official Catches
Pokemon League Tournament200912
Pokemon Conquest WiFi Gift2011 ~500
Pokemon Legends: Arceus Special Research2022~80,000

As you can see, legally acquiring Arceus puts you in the top 0.001% of all Pokemon trainers!

Why Has Game Freak Restricted Catching God?

If you ask me, the development choice stems from GameFreak‘s awareness of how allowing ANY catchable monster into the competitive scene can completely disrupt battle balance!

As creators focusing heavily on the VGC (video game championship), events like the 2009 tourney were risks even limiting Arceus access to dozen strong trainers. Veterans and properly-trained Arceus with optimal EV/IV spreads could sweep unprepared teams.

Hence why we saw the Pokemon God held back from regular encounters or distributions until the controls of Pokemon Legends in 2022. And looking to Scarlet & Violet, data miners have found no sign of receiving Arceus yet.

I suspect the reality-warping lore powers combined with overly centralizing meta impact means Raids and special research requiring massive grinding will remain the only access points. We may get a perpetual "Regigigas Clause" where players have to specially unlock then7890 catch after proving dedication in end-game content!

The harsh requirements in PLA reinforce the dev message: taming God takes eons compared to common pocket monsters!

Tips For Catching Arceus Yourself

For diehard living dex completionists like myself determined to add the rare alpha regardless of hurdles, I‘ve compiled expert tips from my first-hand Arceus catches:

Prep Work

  • Clear out bag space since it gives 18 Arceus Plates when caught
  • Have pokemon with Mean Look ready to attempt trapping it
  • Teach a tank Mind Reader to counter Double Team evasion
  • Get Gallame/Thievul to attempt hypnosis, paralysis for catch rate help

Battling Arceus

  • Open using master balls since any damage risks struggle KO!
  • Have a full team of False Swipe users to get it to 1 HP
  • Useyour most dispensable pokemon as death fodder sacrifices

I wish every determined trainer the best of luck in your Arceus hunt! May this guide bring you one Mythical step closer to completion.

Let me know in the comments your stories of facing godlike power in battle! Can any team truly contain Arceus?!

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