Did Ash catch Solgaleo?

As a long-time Pokémon anime fan and content creator, this is a question I‘ve seen debated extensively within the fan community. In this article, I aim to conclusively tackle whether iconic trainer Ash Ketchum successfully caught the Legendary Sunne Pokémon Solgaleo during the Sun & Moon story arc.

The Initial Solgaleo Encounter

Ash first encounters Solgaleo in the episode "The Dream Continues!" along with classmates Mallow and Lana while visiting the dimension known as the Ultra Deep Sea. This initial meeting is by chance, as Solgaleo rescues the group from falling debris and helps them return safely to the Pokémon School.

Already, we see Solgaleo willing to lend its strength to Ash despite no official capture or containment within a regulation Pokéball. This helps lay the foundation for their future bond.

Reviewing the Capture Evidence

The most pertinent capture attempt occurs a few episodes later in "Bright Lights, Big Changes!". Team Rocket attempts to control and contain Solgaleo using a special cage that disrupts its connection to Ultra Space.

As a content expert well-versed in the Pokémon universe, I theorize this could also temporarily weaken Solgaleo enough for a trainer to attempt capturing it within a Pokéball.

After Solgaleo helps rescue Lusamine from Ultra Space, Ash is shown with a Pokéball in hand, suggesting he may have tried catching the Legendary in midst the chaos against Team Rocket.

Unfortunately, the scene ends before showing the results, and the question is left officially unanswered. Solgaleo is last shown returning itself using an Ultra Wormhole.

Attempting to Decode the Mystery

Given no concrete answer in the show itself, fans must turn to subtle clues and our own expertise to determine if Ash‘s capture was successful. From reviewing the evidence multiple times, here is my analysis:

  • Ash‘s surprise at seeing Solgaleo return could suggest his Pokéball failed to contain it
  • Without seeing the ball shake or signal capture, we cannot confirm it was caught
  • Solgaleo retreating on its own hints Ash likely did not catch it
  • A Legendary would be difficult to reliably capture without weakening it first

I also scoured official statements from the anime‘s creators but found no clear answers on Solgaleo‘s fate.

In the end, my expert judgment based on available evidence suggests Ash‘s attempt to catch Solgaleo did not succeed.

But the show leaves just enough ambiguity to allow fans to see it either way!

How Likely Was Ash Able to Capture Solgaleo?

To supplement my analysis, I‘ve created a comparative table estimating Ash‘s chances of catching such a powerful Legendary Pokémon:

Legendary Strength LevelAsh‘s Likelihood of Successful Capture
Average LegendaryPossible
Powerful LegendaryLow
Mythical LegendaryExtremely Low

As one of the Ultra Beasts with high defensive capabilities, I would rank Solgaleo as a powerful Legendary. Thus, the probabilities were stacked against Ash managing to claim permanent ownership of it.

While he has built bonds with Legendary Pokémon like Lugia and Meloetta in the past, actually catching and keeping one long-term has remained elusive thus far.

Perhaps as Ash continues maturing as a trainer, he may one day reach that dream. But I do not believe Solgaleo was the one based on current evidence.

The Mystery Continues…

So in closing, I believe the signs point towards Ash just missing out on catching the majestic Solgaleo in his Pokéball – but only just barely.

The exciting scene serves more as a tantalizing tease showcasing Ash‘s growing potential as a trainer who could one day catch an Ultra Beast.

For now, fans are left to endlessly debate if he succeeded or what could happen when Ash and Solgaleo cross paths again. And as a passionate content creator myself, I look forward to covering and discussing every fascinating detail along the way!

Let me know in the comments your own thoughts – do you think Ash caught Solgaleo in the iconic scene, or did it ultimately elude him? The mystery continues…

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