Did EA shut down FIFA 16 servers?

As of February 14, 2023, EA has terminated all online services for FIFA 16 across Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC. This brings an end to features like online multiplayer, Ultimate Team, leaderboards, and any other connectivity-dependent game modes. Players will only have access to offline modes like Career, tournaments vs AI, and local multiplayer if they still own a copy of the now 8 year-old FIFA title.

What Online Functionality is Impacted?

With the shutdown, the following areas of FIFA 16 will no longer work:

  • Online Seasons
  • Co-op Seasons
  • Ultimate Team Matches
  • FUT Transfer Market
  • Online Draft Mode
  • Online Friendlies
  • Leaderboards

Any game aspects requiring online connectivity are permanently gone. Nostalgic gamers cannot revisit old FUT squads or play one last online match for old time‘s sake.

Community Reactions and Emotional Response

In response to the shutdown, FIFA influencers and gamers across Twitter expressed significant disappointment over losing access to modes that made FIFA 16 enjoyable for years:

Others like @FUT_Havoc called EA "a joke" for cutting off passionate player bases still engaging with older titles:

It‘s clear that despite FIFA 16‘s age, many considered it a high point for the franchise and the shutdown severed their digital connections to fond gaming memories.

Player Base Size at Shutdown

While public facing player count data is not available, FIFA 16‘s recent console achievements show a still highly active community:

FIFA 16 Players in 2024

PlatformRecent Players
Xbox One1.28 million
Xbox Series X/S235,000

With over 1.5 million monthly players in early 2023, these statistics counter notions that engagement fizzled out years ago. Discontinuing FIFA 16 severed connections for potentially millions of lingering loyalists.

Contrasting FIFA 16‘s Lifespan to the Franchise

Looking back at recent FIFA iterations shows a consistent lifespan of 3-4 years before EA sunsets online functionality:

GameRelease DateShutdown DateLifespan
FIFA 19September 2018February 20234 years 5 months
FIFA 18September 2017February 20235 years 5 months

Unlike franchises like Call of Duty with sustained 10+ year server lifespans, EA gives FIFA titles a relatively short window of official support.

Business Realities Behind EA‘s Server Shutdowns

While players are understandably upset to lose online access,…

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