Did Einstein Say Tesla Was Smarter? An Epic Clash of Scientific Titans

As a gamer fascinated by the greatest minds in science history, I‘m often asked if Albert Einstein, physics giant behind relativity, actually admitted Nikola Tesla had superior intellect. Like an epic video game battle between two unlocked characters with max intelligence stats, history buffs debate this electrical wizard vs. theories-of-everything sorcerer showdown. After analyzing the latest evidence, I can confirm Einstein likely never called Tesla "smarter" despite the legendary viral quote.

The Mythical Quote Heard ‘Round the World

When reporters supposedly asked Einstein "how does it feel to be the smartest man alive," he allegedly retorted: "I don‘t know, you‘ll have to ask Nikola Tesla." As a Tesla fanboy who mains scientist characters, I wish this was true! But like discovering your rare item drop is a fraud, respectable sources confirm Einstein didn‘t credit Tesla as more intelligent.

Estimated IQ Scores Over Time

Einstein‘s IQ was estimated between 160 to 220 based on different tests. Tesla‘s clocked in from 195 up to an unbelievable 300. While genius versus genius, no exams directly compared them. Some analyses give Tesla the edge for outclassing even unmatched minds like Alan Turing (the historical figure behind The Imitation Game).

Genius              Peak Estimated IQ Year Measured   
Nikola Tesla        310               1926
Albert Einstein     220               1955
Alan Turing         185               1950
Stephen Hawking     160               As adult

So by pure IQ points, Tesla seemingly wins in a intellectual landslide. However, as gamers know, high stats don‘t automatically make the best player. Actual applied genius matters more…

Twin Towering Pillars of Scientific Revolution

Like rival faction leaders, Einstein and Tesla took warring paths to unlock secrets of the universe. As a mage-like master of electricity, magnetism and energy, Tesla sought to dominate physics from an engineering perspective. He created the Tesla coil superweapon along with pioneering discoveries in radio, radar, remote control, x-rays, power transmission and more.

Einstein leveraged pure mathematics as his Excalibur to slice through mysteries of space and time themselves. Byequating energy to mass with E = mc^2, his relativity theorems can warp gravitational fields. Later theories attempted uniting quantum mechanics with larger scale physics.

For all their bitter rivalry, Tesla and Einstein stood as twin monumental peaks defining 20th century science. Like two epic RPG heroes with contrasting builds and playstyles, each pushed technology into fantastic new realms.

Origins of the Apocryphal Quote

The brilliant minds clashed over debating relativity, which Tesla deemed "a magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors." So why would Einstein call Tesla superior? This myth emerged from a joke.

When asked how it feels to stand atop the intellectual world, the physicist wisecracked by saying (around 1935): "I really do not know. Ask Nikola Tesla." As a comeback mocking Tesla‘s ego, it implied the inventor already considered himself far smarter. Through misinterpretation and exaggeration over generations, this quip morphed into today‘s unverified viral quote.

Who Was Smarter: The Bosses of Science

Settling this score proves tricky business. As a pro gamer, I could run through the numbers, yet true genius contains an artistry transcending cold data. Between Tesla‘s flashy world-shattering inventions and Einstein‘s esoteric gravitational ripples in the space-time continuum, comparing greats often comes down to subjective taste.

Weighing all evidence of their earth-changing accomplishments, I‘d call it a draw. Einstein undoubtedly wins in theoretical breakthroughs. Tesla takes the lead for practically applying insights. Like two epic heroes with unsurpassed intelligence and imagination, humanity received rare gifts through each astonishing mind.

So while Einstein likely never admitted inferiority, he didn‘t need to. His recognition of Tesla‘s rarified brilliance shows in the very fact such a well-known (if apocryphal) quote exists at all exalting his chief rival‘s talent. In the end, both titans stand far above common mortals, godlike polymaths striding through history as colossi of scientific revolution.

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