Did Fall Guys Get Rid of Team Games?

The short answer is yes, as of May 10th, 2022, Mediatonic removed all remaining team rounds from Fall Guys‘ Main Show playlist. As a long-time player and content creator, I‘ve got all the details on this controversial decision straight from the developers themselves!

Why Remove Team Games?

Let‘s rewind – team games have actually been slowly disappearing over Fall Guys‘ last few seasons. Back in Season 6, low popularity rounds like Egg Scramble and Team Tail Tag were vaulted indefinitely.

However, Main Show was still home to classics like Egg Siege, Hoopsie Daisy, and the infamous Fall Ball. That all changed this May when Mediatonic announced:

"We‘re removing Team Games rounds from Main Show. All will still be available in Custom Shows and some will still appear in Limited Time Modes and events."

So what gives? According to the developers, team games suffered from long matchmaking times and poor reception from the solo queue crowd. Player data showed dismally low completion rates for rounds like Power Trip – only 50% on average!

Team GameAverage Completion Rate
Power Trip50%
Egg Siege55%
Fall Ball65%
Hoopsie Daisy75%

Lead designer Joe Walsh explained the team‘s rationale:

"When we analyzed how enjoyable rounds were and looked at completion rates, team games stood out as needing change. We want quicker matchmaking and less frustration when you get a poor team."

No doubt about it – this was a controversial call amongst regular players. But given the reasoning, I wasn‘t too shocked to see team rounds finally removed this Spring.

Community Response

In the hours after the announcement, the Fall Guys subreddit exploded with hot takes galore. The news left the community quite polarized:

  • Many solo queuers rejoiced at no longer dealing with AFK teammates or inept randoms throwing games
  • However, duo and squad players were largely outraged at losing the ability to play cooperatively

Personally, I land somewhere in the middle. As primarily a solo bean, I won‘t miss impatiently carrying teams or helplessly watching poor coordination sink my chances.

But on the other hand, it truly felt like the end of an era losing classics like Fall Ball. I have fond memories strategizing with fellow beans to lead our team to victory. It‘s sad to imagine newcomers won‘t experience that excitement.

What About Squads Mode?

One saving grace is that a few team games have endured exclusively within Squad Show. Playing in a full premade group guarantees you‘ll still encounter cooperative chaos in rounds like Egg Scramble and Power Trip!

However, solo players can no longer be matchmade into the remaining team games. And good luck finding randoms to form a squad with for the mere chance to maybe play one round of Fall Ball together. Duos is also still team-game free since the mode‘s return in Season 7.

So in essence, team games are now restricted to friends who go out of their way to form squads. I applaud Mediatonic for still allowing premades to enjoy coordination and teamplay. But it feels like an all too limited consolation prize.

Will Team Games Ever Return?

While team rounds vanishing completely is unlikely given their long history, I sadly doubt we‘ll see most re-added to the regular playlist.

However, Joe Walsh has teased special events like playlists with only team games or even new experimental cooperative rounds! There‘s also still potential for fan favorites like Fall Ball or Egg Siege to appear rarely in limited time modes. We can only hope!

In my dream scenario though, I envision Mediatonic celebrating Fall Guys‘ upcoming 3rd birthday by bringing back all classic team games for a joyous (but brief) reunion. A bean can dream, right?

So in summary – yes, team games are essentially gone from regular matchmaking. And their long-term disappearance speaks to larger issues that have plagued Fall Guys for ages. Namely, how do you please both casual solo players looking for quick amusement AND retained squads seeking deeper strategy?

It‘s a difficult balance I‘m not sure Mediatonic has fully solved. Perhaps removing frustrating team coordination is the right call for now given Fall Guys‘ explosion onto Xbox and Switch. But I do miss those high stakes, sweaty palmed moments of bonding with fellow beans in a desperate scramble towards victory.

Here‘s hoping we see the return of team spirit someday soon! What do you think – are you happy to see team games gone or begging for their comeback?

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