Did Franklin Get His $73 Million Back? Unfortunately…No.

As shocking events unfolded in the Season 5 finale, fans watched in horror as Franklin‘s dreams of a fresh start crashed down around him. His mentor-turned-nemesis Teddy commandeered Franklin‘s entire $73 million nest egg, leaving our protagonist betrayed, broke, and back at square one.

How Did Teddy Pull Off This Massive, Devastating Theft?

Teddy spent years establishing trust with Franklin as his helpful ex-CIA contact, but secretly resented Franklin‘s rise and relative autonomy. When an opportunity arose to squeeze Franklin out and hijack his empire, Teddy struck viciously by:

  • Working clandestinely with Aunt Louie and Uncle Jerome to cut side deals
  • Using DEA intel and influence to take down key opposing gang leaders
  • Outmaneuvering Franklin at vulnerable moments to set up attacks
  • Placing spies and moles to monitor Franklin‘s actions and money flow
  • Finding the location of the $73 million hiding spot from mole Peaches
  • Moving the massive cash reserves overnight before anyone realized

This multi-pronged strategy destabilized Franklin‘s power, blinded him to threats, then delivered the financial death blow right as our protagonist prepared to walk away flush. A brilliant but devastating sequence of betrayals.

Franklin‘s "Walk Away" Stash Versus Total Estimated Wealth

Walk Away Funds$73 millionStolen by Teddy
Estimated Total Wealth$200+ millionBuilt over 5 seasons in the drug trade

With the theft equivalent to 1/3 of his estimated total wealth, Franklin faces a massive financial hit. But with infrastructure and distribution channels still intact, he possesses resources to slowly rebuild his fortune.

The open question remains…what will he sacrifice to pursue revenge against Teddy and the others?

Tracking Down the Money – What Has Franklin Uncovered?

Regaining his entire $73 million stash seems unlikely at this point. But that hasn‘t stopped Franklin from pulling out all the stops to locate some or all of his stolen "retirement " money:

  • Leveraging his bounty hunter cousin Black Diamond to pursue overseas financial leads
  • Extracting information from Peaches before her attempt to flee the country
  • Shaking down crooked lawyer Mark Kaplan for financial paper trails
  • Investing in computer hacking skills to digitally track funds
  • Attempting to flip money launderers tied to Teddy to show their hand

So far these efforts have turned up snippets of intel about offshore accounts, dummy corporations, and complex money funneling systems. But no concrete path yet for Franklin to regain the full funds.

However, these money hunting activities…combined with Teddy‘s continued involvement in LA‘s drug scene…has kept their confrontation simmering.

The Aftermath – Chaos, Bloodshed, and an Uncertain Future

The catastrophic fallout from Teddy‘s backstabbing power grab continues propagating across Los Angeles:

  • The power vacuum opened up opportunities for new violent players and competing gangs
  • Key members of Franklin‘s crew were arrested or killed off in unrest
    -Aunt Louie violently double-crossed, leaving Jerome dead and her influence dashed
  • Franklin reunited with estranged girlfriend Veronique, then tragically lost her and their unborn baby
  • Cocaine pipelines from Mexico interrupted, leading to upticks in violence and police crackdowns

The final cost remains to be seen, but the effects surely will be felt across LA‘s communities for years. And while Franklin plots his next move after regrouping his operation, one has to wonder what further prices he and the city will pay to settle the bloody debts owed from Teddy‘s sinister betrayal.

The only sure bet…further chaos lies ahead.

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