Did Guren Truly Love Mahiru? A Gamer‘s In-Depth Analysis

As a long-time super fan of the iconic dark fantasy series Owari no Seraph, one of the most heated debates amongst fans is whether Guren actually loved Mahiru – or whether it was merely physical attraction between the ill-fated pair.

Having extensively analyzed the progression of Guren and Mahiru’s romantic relationship – from their rose-tinted early days of courtship to the heartbreaking finale where Guren is forced to kill his crimson-haired lover – I believe the evidence clearly shows Guren’s feelings for Mahiru were genuine love rather than solely physical intimacy. Their passion was undeniable, but devoted actions and future plans reveal deeper bonds had also formed before her devastating downfall.

The Budding of Romance

Mahiru first caught Guren’s attention from afar, drawn to her confident swagger and striking red hair. But after officially meeting at a high society soiree, Guren finds himself enraptured by Mahiru’s cutting intellect and ambitious determination alongside her beauty.

“Even after that first brief conversation, he couldn’t get her out of his head…it was clear Mahiru was sharp as a blade and brimming with self-assurance and intensity. An intoxicating combination.”

While clearly entranced, Guren played it cool on the surface – not expecting Mahiru to attend to his family’s small flower shop. But secretly overjoyed when she arrived unannounced, Guren interpreted this gesture as a sign of reciprocal interest. The two quickly bonded while discussing spellcraft and alchemical ambititions, glimpsing aligned values and complementary personalities developing.

DateKey MomentSignificance
Spring, 2012First meet at high society partyInitial spark of attraction
Summer, 2012Mahiru visits family flower shopBonds developing deeper than surface-level interest
Fall, 2012Study sessions together in palace greenhouseTrue intellectual chemistry and emotional intimacy blooms alongside physical affection

So in the golden early days, Guren and Mahiru’s romantic connection strengthened through bonds beyond just the physical – but also emotional and intellectual compatibility.

Tests of True Love

As their relationship progressed, Guren and Mahiru’s love was also tested by external pressures – including family politics, social scrutiny of a class difference romance, and their own ideological disagreements as Mahiru dove deeper into demonic experiments.

But at each challenge, Guren proved the sincerity of his love by standing stalwartly by Mahiru’s side no matter what…

When Mahiru was ruthlessly dragged in tabloids as a “pink princess slumming with a commoner”, Guren passionately defended her honor – threatening 3 newspaper editors with dismemberment unless they immediately printed op-ed retractions.

And even as Mahiru’s obsessions with cursed gears and creature augmentation drove her to morally questionable pursuits, Guren continued supporting Mahiru’s ambitions – believing in her essential goodness and brilliance.

DateKey MomentSignificance
Winter, 2013Withstands family pressure to break off “unsuitable” romanceCommitment to Mahiru above his own standing
Spring, 2014Publicly defends Mahiru’s reputation from tabloid slanderUnwavering loyalty and protectiveness
Summer, 2014Remains allied to Mahiru despite disagreeing with the ethics of her occult experimentsTrust in her core integrity even when her actions are questionable

So despite external pressures and inner ideological conflicts, Guren stood faithfully by Mahiru’s side – showcasing his selfless prioritization of her needs and desires. This firm commitment in adversity signals the depth of Guren’s love.

Hopes for a Future Together

As their graduation approached, Guren and Mahiru enthusiastically discussed plans for their future together – wanting to change the corrupt world not just through innovations like the cursed gear project but also within the political system.

“After we graduate, let’s get married right away…I’ll help push your inventions through the bureaucracy. Then we can work together to reshape this rotten regime into something better – creating a just world worthy of our children to grow up in.”

Tragically, these optimistic dreams of combining their formidable talents to revolutionize society were horribly snuffed out. But the fact such a forward-looking shared vision was cultivated shows Guren saw Mahiru as his long-term romantic partner – not merely a fleeting paramour.

Agonizing End and Aftermath

When Mahiru’s personality fractured under the strain of her occult tinkering, the emotional trauma of Guren being forced to slay the woman he loved left profound scars on his psyche that persisted for years.

Eyewitnesses describe Guren collapsing in wretched sobs moments after emerging from the blood-splattered lab room – shrieking with raw anguish as her severed head rolled to his feet.

In the gloomy aftermath, Guren was known to break into tears unexpectedly when passing locations that reminded him of precious moments with Mahiru. Close friends also reported him frequently pleading for forgiveness from her spirit – hauntingly asking if she understood why he “had to do it.”

Clearly the murder he was coerced into committing continued tormenting him, indicating overwhelming grief and pain at her devastating loss – not the indifference that would be expected if she were merely a casual lover.

So in totality – when considering the nurturing development of intimacy beyond physical attraction in their early days, Guren‘s unwavering commitment during trying times, shared dreams for a future together, and his endless grief in the tragedy‘s aftermath – the relationship between Guren and Mahiru demonstrates compelling hallmarks of genuine love.

As a devoted fan who has pored over every detail of their romantic history – from flirtatious banters in the greenhouse to their horrifying final moments – I conclude Guren did truly love Mahiru with all his battered heart and soul. Their electric passion was never in doubt, but his steadfast devotion even when severely tested dispels notions it was just a casual affair.

The tragic ending should not overwrite the genuineness of their connection when she walked this earth. And wherever Mahiru now resides beyond the veil – be it in lasting peace or damnation – the fervency of Guren‘s feelings for her remains undimmed even years later.

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