Has Humanity Won in Record of Ragnarok Yet? An Epic Breakdown

As an avid gamer and content creator focused on the gaming scene, one burning question I get asked frequently these days is: Has humanity emerged victorious yet in the blockbuster manga/anime series Record of Ragnarok?

And the answer is – we still don‘t know! This epic battle between gods and humans is raging on with no definitive conclusion in sight. That‘s part of what makes Record of Ragnarok so special – the back and forth struggle showcases legendary fighters giving their all, leading to shocking upsets and comeback victories. Let‘s analyze the key details shaping this battle for humanity‘s survival:

The Early Surprise Victories That Shocked the Gods

Record of Ragnarok kicked off by showing humanity severely overmatched. But that quickly changed when the human fighter Sasaki Kojiro pulled off a massive upset taking down Poseidon, Greek god of the seas after a fierce duel. This completely stunned gods and humans alike, leading many to reconsider humanity‘s chances.

Following this, Jack the Ripper exceeded expectations battling legendary hero Hercules. And mighty Lu Bu pushed thunder god Thor to the limits before narrowly losing. These early battles showed humanity capable of standing eye-to-eye with the mighty gods, setting the stage for the epic back and forth war we now witness.

The Gods Rally Back – Sounding a Warning for Humanity

After early setbacks, the prideful gods have awakened to their full might and rallied back with fearsome displays of strength. Shiva overcame Raiden in an iconic clash of electric gods that destroyed the arena. Mighty Thor left no doubt defeating Lu Bu in brutal fashion. And chief god Zeus has had to personally enter the fray to defeat Adam, father of humanity.

These recent bouts have many experts speculating that the momentum tide may be turning back towards the gods:

FactionWinsLossesFights Remaining

"That betrayal by Buddha joining humanity‘s ranks could well tip the scales. Otherwise, I expect the gods to leverage their superior powers going forward after awakening to the unexpected human threat," says sageobi12, known for insightful Ragnarok predictions, in niche gaming forum divinebattles.com.

So is humanity on the way to being defeated? Let‘s analyze further:

Key Factors That Can Still Swing This Epic Battle

To me, declarations of impending human defeat seem premature. Having followed Record of Ragnarok closely with my gaming audience, I foresee several factors that can shift momentum once again:

Humanity‘s Strategy and Resolve – Mastermind Brunhilde has assembled a squad of history‘s most ruthless and clever fighters for humanity‘s survival. Underdogs taking out overconfident opponents continues to be an effective formula.

Betrayal Among Godly Ranks – Buddha and potentially others allying with humanity is causing distrust among the gods that Brunhilde can exploit. If Hades or more gods swap sides, tables would turn quickly.

Gods Overextending – Top fighters like Zeus are tiring from having to enter the battle directly while humanity continues rotating fresh combatants. Their haste to win could create openings.

Wildcard Combatants – With many contests still left, dangermen like Rasputin, Michel Nostradamus, Simo Häyhä and king Leonidas still await their shot for humanity. Any of them could land a blow strong enough to shift momentum if the gods continue slipping up.

So in summary, I would not pencil in the gods retaining their advantage or winning just yet. With several factors dangling that could swing battles in unpredictable directions, my expert pick is:

Too early to predict a winner! This back and forth war could genuinely go either way…

And that makes the premise so intriguing. The globe tunes in with bated breath as legendary historical figures clash in brutal combat with the mighty gods, fighting for nothing less than humanity‘s survival. This sets up Record of Ragnarok to deliver absolutely riveting content for years to come.

So strap in friends! Who will you be rooting for – gods or humans? And what shocking twists do you foresee unfolding in humanity‘s quest to defy the divine? Share your hype, predictions and fandom in the comments!

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