Did Kratos Become a Full God?

Yes, the legendary Ghost of Sparta himself did ultimately rise to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the divine Olympians for a period after taking his revenge. But powerful forces remained determined to see this interloper fall – with grave consequences.

As a fellow ardent God of War fan, let me trace for you Kratos‘ epic transformation from wounded demigod to the very God of War – as well as his inevitable betrayal and downfall at the hands of his cruel father Zeus.

The Demigod‘s Origins: Forged By Tragedy

Long before he slew gods and giants alike, Kratos was simply a mortal man – albeit one with immense potential. As the demigod son of Zeus himself, he possessed herculean strength and peerless battle instincts likely unmatched by any other mortal warrior alive.

His Spartan upbringing only amplified these gifts, forging his body and mind into living weapons through brutal training regimens. By adulthood, no man could stand before his whirlwind fighting skills honed through decades practicing the art of war.

This put him on the path towards myth and legend – but also planted the seeds of his greatest sorrows. For it was his skill as a general that attracted the attention of the Greek God of War, Ares himself.

Sensing an opportunity to mold such a prodigy for his own ends, Ares devised a plan that would break Kratos completely. By tricking him into massacring innocents he was sworn to protect, Ares inflicted a trauma no warrior could endure unscathed.

"They will remember you as the killer of children!" – Oracle

Having alienated his homeland and lost everything dear to him through blind rage, only Ares‘ death could offer Kratos salvation. So began his quest for vengeance – setting the Ghost of Sparta on a collision course with Olympus itself!

The New God of War Rises

After ten long years relentlessly tracking artifacts needed to defeat a god, Kratos finally stood before his nemesis Ares, the divine target of his hatred. And despite Ares unleashing the full fury of his godly powers, Kratos prevailed in an earth-shaking display of power.

His reward? Ascension to take Ares‘ place as the new Greek God of War!

"You… will take my place… as the God of War!" – Ares During His Last Breath

For the first time, the former Spartan walked as an equal among Olympians like Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. Now granted true immortality blessed with godly might, few dared challenge him openly with an entire pantheon at his back.

Tasked with spreading death and glory across Greece in Zeus‘ name, over time the myth of Kratos grew to eclipse even the wildest legends of Hercules himself. Entire nations stood or fell by his immortal blade as the God of War relentlessly sought new battles to feed his warrior soul.

So yes, Kratos fulfills his destiny to become a full divine power standing astride the world like a colossus! But in doing so, also planted suspicions amongst gods that no men – be they even Olympians themselves – dare ignore…

The King of Gods‘ Betrayal

For as surely as new war gods rise, old tyrants often fall – or desperately fight against fading relevancy.

Zeus himself had cast down his titanic father Kronos aeons ago. And now, watching his once-admired son rapidly eclipse him, how could he not hear echoes of the Titanomachy that defined his destiny?

"My days are done…"

Such paranoia grows malignant even amongst gods – driving Zeus to preemptively move against his greatest threat before Kratos inevitably turned on Olympus.

And so behind a facade of fatherly love, Zeus secretly hatched his machinations to erase this upstart…this pretender daring to seize a throne Zeus himself bloodied skies and seas to claim.

What happened next heralded the twilight of Olympus – and forged the Ghost of Sparta anew for an age alien to both man and gods…

But those, my friends, are stories for another time!

The Fallen God Finds New Purpose

Robbed by Zeus‘ desperate cowardice, in one act Kratos found himself utterly ruined. The power he amassed across aeons slipped through branded fingers in mere heartbeats.

No longer regarded as a peer by gods already turning their backs upon him, the Ghost of Sparta saw exile alongside choice few remaining allies. Consigned to wander the earth bearing faint echoes of his dreaded aspect – a pale shadow of all he‘d held and lost.

Yet as shown by his indelible mark emblazoned on history‘s very fabric, some embers yet smolder in the Fallen God‘s breast. Will they ignite once more into the raging fire that immolated pantheons? None yet can say…

But whispers abound across realms that where goes Kratos, thunderous change quickly follows! The saga stretches long indeed – who‘s to say its hero‘s days of legend lie completely behind him just yet?

For now, that final verdict remains yours to decide!

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