Yes, Michael De Santa Set Up Trevor Philips

As an obsessed Grand Theft Auto analyst and ride-or-die fan delving into these cold case files, I can conclude without a doubt that Michael arranged for our boy Trevor to take a dirt nap back in North Yankton.

Let‘s ignite this truth bomb step-by-step, shall we? Buckle up, because we‘re diving deeper than that underwater coffin they stashed Brad in…

Michael Had Good Reason to Betray Trevor

Why would an OG heister ice his long-time partner in crime? Let‘s peel back the layers of their strained "friendship:"

  • Michael increasingly resented Trevor‘s chaotic greed and bloodlust
  • Trevor‘s recklessness directly endangered Michael‘s family
  • Michael sought independence from his past to enjoy his quiet new life
  • He knew Trevor would never allow him to simply walk away…

Of course, we all know Mikey also fancied the idea of snagging Trevor‘s cut of their final score up in North Yankton.

Looking to escape his former brother-in-arms, Michael hatched the cold-blooded plan to…

The Set-up: Michael‘s Deal with the FIB

Jumping ahead to that fateful North Yankton heist, tensions clearly ran high between our protagonists. Sensing his opportunity, the man once known as Townley arranged a covert deal with FIB Agent Dave Norton:

  1. Michael would fake his death, assume a new identity, and be granted immunity in Los Santos
  2. In exchange, he would serve as an FIB informant moving forward
  3. The key detail: Norton would arrange for Trevor Philips to be eliminated as part of Michael‘s "death."

This transaction gave Michael his clean slate while getting the FIB off his back. And icing Trevor ensured he could ditch his criminal past for good…

The Botched Assassination of Mr. Philips

When FIB agents tracked their target Trevor to that cemetery in the snow, they attempted to execute Michael‘s neatly laid plans:

Agent Norton: "Your pal Trevor is a dangerous psycho…"

A violent T takes cover behind a tombstone, capping agents while screaming:

Trevor: "You want a piece of me?! You wanna piece?!"

Riddle me this – with automatic rifles trained on him, how did Mr. Philips escape that cemetery riddled with just a few slugs?

Clearly Michael meant for Trevor to parish that day. But poor mission planning left his old protege alive to wreak havoc another day…

The Aftermath: Trevor‘s Trail of Destruction

Picture this: Trevor comes to the chilling realization that Mikey – his former running buddy in debauchery – left him for dead without even a goodbye reacharound.

Wouldn‘t you see red and seek vengeance on everything standing in your way?

Hell hath no fury like a Philips scorned. His ensuing rampage left over 3 dozen bodies in its wake – like these unlucky Stab City Lost MC members:

And when Trev discovered Mike living large in Los Santos as Vinewood big shot "Michael De Santa"…lets just say things got nuclear between those career criminals.

This shocking betrayal spurred aƱos of simmering fury within Trevor against the man he once called brother. When someone digs that deep into your chest, forgiveness ain‘t an easy road…

Conclusion: Did Michael Orchestrate the Mother of All Set-ups?

As our journey through this double-crossing saga draws to a close, I lay out the undeniable truths:

Michael De Santa – in an act of greed and self-preservation – conspired to eliminate his partner-in-crime Trevor Philips despite a storied history between two of San Andreas‘ most infamous sons.

While the duo later reconciled before that fateful final mission, the damage dealt forever changed their brotherhood.

Trevor frequently hinted he already forgave Mikey – but could their bond ever fully heal from such trauma? That‘s one mystery I‘m still unraveling…

Alright folks, stay tuned for my next viral post where I investigate allegations that Lester bangs prostitutes on the down low!

-KevTheKilla, signing off

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