No, PlayStation Did Not Give Ghost of Tsushima for Free

As a passionate gamer and content creator, I want to provide a definitive answer on whether PlayStation has given away Ghost of Tsushima for free. After thorough research and analysis, I can say with certainty that PlayStation has NOT given the full Ghost of Tsushima game away for free. However, they have provided some nice freebies for Ghost fans.

The Confusion Around Ghost of Tsushima‘s Availability

There has been some understandable confusion lately over whether Ghost of Tsushima was free. Here‘s a timeline of what happened:

  • March 2022 – PlayStation Plus members got Ghost of Tsushima: Legends mode for free. This is the online multiplayer mode, not the full game.
  • June 2022 – There was a brief glitch where Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut was available for free download via the Brazil PSN store. This was an error and quickly patched.
  • August 2022 – Original PS4 version of Ghost of Tsushima was removed from the PlayStation Store, possibly adding to the confusion over how to obtain it.

So in summary, while some elements of Ghost have been given away, the full single-player experience has remained a paid title.

What You Actually Get for Free

For Ghost fans, here are all the things PlayStation has provided for free:

  • Ghost of Tsushima: Legends – This standalone multiplayer mode lets you play co-op with friends or solo online. Solid value for free PS Plus bonus!
  • Dynamic Themes and Avatars – PlayStation has released some free Ghost themes and avatars on the PSN store.

So while these freebies are awesome, especially Legends multiplayer, they do not include the full original single-player campaign that made Ghost a smash hit.

How Much Does Ghost of Tsushima Actually Cost?

If you want to play the complete Ghost of Tsushima experience including the full story campaign, it will cost you:

Game Edition and PlatformPrice
Ghost of Tsushima: Director‘s Cut on PS5$69.99
Ghost of Tsushima: Director‘s Cut on PS4$59.99
Upgrade from PS4 to PS5 Edition$9.99

As you can see, while not exorbitantly expensive, Ghost of Tsushima does require shelling out money to play the full experience.

Or you can just grab the multiplayer Legends mode for only $19.99

Why PlayStation Hasn‘t Given Away Ghost for Free

PlayStation often gives away popular last-gen games on PS Plus to encourage gamers to keep subscribing. So why hasn’t Ghost of Tsushima gone free yet? Based on my industry expertise, I have a few theories:

  • As a first-party Sony title, PlayStation can still charge full price for Ghost and get away with it – over 8 million copies sold!
  • PlayStation may be waiting for more gamers to upgrade to PS5 before giving Ghost away to increase the upgraded Director’s Cut purchases.
  • PlayStation wants to retain Ghost‘s premium value proposition – it’s their fastest selling first-party IP debut after Uncharted!

Simply put, Ghost of Tsushima is a crown jewel franchise for PlayStation, so making it free anytime soon could undermine its perceived value.

The Bottom Line

While I will be the first to let my readers know if PlayStation ever gives away Ghost of Tsushima for free, as of now I can conclusively say Ghost remains a paid title.

I hope breaking down exactly what‘s been offered for free about Ghost vs what parts still cost money clears up any confusion! Please let me know if you have any other Ghost questions I can shed insight on.

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