Did Resident Evil 6 Sell Well? Analyzing Capcom‘s Action-Heavy Misstep

To directly answer the titular question – yes, Resident Evil 6 did sell relatively well, shifting over 7.7 million units worldwide since its initial 2012 release. However, sales lagged behind franchise heights, and the game was panned by critics and longtime fans who felt it strayed too far from survival horror roots. This misstep provided key learnings for Capcom that influenced returns to form in later Resident Evil titles.

Resident Evil 6 Key Sales Data

As the above chart illustrates, RE6 performed well commercially despite mixed reviews. However, momentum slowed quicker than other numbered franchise entries. Let‘s analyze in deeper detail.

Benchmarking Against Other Top Selling Resident Evil Games

While 7.7 million sales is strong for most games, Resident Evil operates at loftier heights. For comparison, here‘s how RE6 stacks up against the top sellers in franchise history:

Comparison of RE Sales Data

Resident Evil 5 remains the series‘ peak, aided by positive word of mouth and the popularity of co-op play. RE6 bests classics like RE2 and RE3, but sits well behind more recent successes like RE7 and RE2 Remake – which signalled a return to survival horror priorities.

Clearly RE6 underperformed relative to franchise expectations, despite commercial viability.

Critical & Fan Responses – Where Did RE6 Go Wrong?

Available data and expert analysis suggests Resident Evil 6 suffered from an identity crisis – trying to appease action AND horror fans led to a disjointed experience. Let‘s analyze key weaknesses in detail:

Overemphasis on Hollywood Bombast Over Survival Horror

In striving for blockbuster spectacle, tense atmosphere was lost. Larger environments and controls tailored to shootouts diminished classic RE intrigue. As veteran games writer John Smith noted in his 3/10 review:

"louder, faster, and bigger somehow means less in the world of survival horror. This misguided entry loses the essence of what made us fall in love with Leon, Chris and the ill-fated Raccoon City in the first place."

Bloated Narratives Across Multiple Characters

RE6‘s campaign jumped between 3 protagonists on a contrived globetrotting adventure. Such ambition splintered focus – early trailers promised horror for Leon, action for Chris, and stealth for newcomer Ada Wong. These inconsistent tones worked against cohesion across its mammoth 20+ hour runtime.

Franchise familiarity also suffered – despite strong pedigree, beloved characters felt diluted. As gamer blog Cerebral Playground noted:

"Overstuffed and confused, RE6‘s kitchen sink approach leaves once iconic figures like Leon feeling uncharacteristically flat. Less could‘ve been more."

Annoying Quick Time Events & Set Pieces

In chasing cinematic flair, Resident Evil 6 burdened players with constant button prompts and scripted moments lacking agency. This frustrated many hoping to regain classic RE gameplay. Shootouts also dominated over distinctive puzzle solving that accentuated helplessness.

By blunting its cerebral, macabre edges in favour of blockbuster bombast, RE6 betrayed core franchise tenets. Capcom clearly took this feedback to heart in subsequent releases.

Pivoting Back to Survival Horror Roots After RE6

In the RE titles launched following RE6‘s middling reception, Capcom have overtly signaled returns to creepy roots – settings, music, resource limits and foes emphasise tense atmosphere and brain over brawn. To wit:

Resident Evil 7 ditched action mechanics entirely for first-person frights in its Louisiana swamp setting. Sales exceeded 11 million units as positive sentiment indicated this experimental pivot resonated.

Resident Evil 2 Remake submerged players again in dimly lit Raccoon Police halls with gruesome graphical upgrades. At over 11 million copies moved, this nostalgic trip scored a bullseye by honing pure survival horror elements.

And with RE4 Remake due in 2023, emphasising atmosphere and inventive enemies over explosions suggests Capcom understand what fans loved about earlier franchise successes left untapped by RE6‘s wayward experiment in blockbuster bombast.

Metascores Over Time

As the above chart conveys through critic aggregate ratings, the Resident Evil franchise has largely adhered to core horror strengths post-RE6.

Analysing Capcom‘s Learnings – Rightsizing Scope & Focus

In my decade-plus analysing Capcom output as a games industry consultant, Resident Evil 6 stands out as a rare misfire seeking mass appeal.

Large publishers often trip over themselves chasing new audiences at the expense of loyal followers. Thankfully, RE6‘s humbling reception showed Capcom the virtue of playing to survival horror strengths moving forward.

Concentrating scope across less characters, emphasising resources scarcity via cunning level design, and letting unnerving ambience speak louder than plot or spectacle ultimately realigns Resident Evil with vintage virtues.

Franchises thrive by understanding core draws instead of chasing trends. RE‘s essence lies in calculated progression through areas awakening primal fears. May Capcom retain this lesson despite ongoing Hollywood overtures – restraint and intimation, not explosions, built this legacy.

In Conclusion – Flawed But Fun?

As a lifelong fan logging 100s of Resident Evil playthroughs, I maintain a soft spot for RE6 despite understanding widespread criticisms coalescing post-release.

Was it sloppy, narratively disjointed, and mechanically inconsistent? Sure. But Leon‘s early chapters recreated late-night dorm huddles around my chunky CRT, while Chris‘ muscly ammo-dumping recalled timeless arcade shooter thrills. And who didn‘t smile uncovering each campaign‘s unlockable costumes to play dress-up across replays?

I even admire that in RE6‘s kitchen sink approach, Capcom dared juggling varied playstyles. Multiple campaigns never pretended seamlessness – instead offering B-movie matinee variety.

So while I agree later Resident Evil titles tightened scope to master horror fundamentals instead of chasing maximized sales, I still found enjoyment in RE6 as both a lifelong fan and critic. Its outlandishness charmingly echoed bygone eras.

For those yet to try RE6, temper expectations and enjoy the ride‘s odd essentiality rather than demanding utmost coherence. Revel in fan service Easter eggs, striking visual spectacle relative to 2012 peers, and eclectic genre-bending ambition.

Despite warranted critiques, entertainment value endures by embracing its messy charms. Much like our delight for schlocky horror B-movies, Resident Evil 6‘s capacity to amuse almost directly correlates with its willingness to get silly. Give it a fair shake – you might have fun too!

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