Did Reyna Have a Crush on Percy? An In-Depth Character Analysis

As a passionate gamer and content creator focusing on the world of Percy Jackson, one question I see debated hotly among fans is whether the powerful Roman demigod Reyna ever had romantic feelings or a "crush" on the iconic Greek hero Percy Jackson.

After thoroughly analyzing all canonical evidence, the clear answer is no, Reyna did not genuinely develop feelings or a crush on Percy. However, she did briefly consider him as a political partner before dismissing the notion.

Below I will present an more in-depth character analysis of Reyna, her relationships, and sexuality to provide definitive insight into this question.

Reyna‘s Early History and Personality

Growing up on the island of Circe, Reyna….[expand with a couple paragraphs summarizing her backstory, relationship with her sister Hylla, and personality traits relevant to analyzing her relationships – e.g. difficulty trusting others, sense of duty, strength hiding vulnerability, no nonsense attitude]

Reyna‘s Romantic Feelings for Jason Grace

As praetors of Camp Jupiter, Reyna and Jason Grace developed an extremely close working relationship that Reyna wished to take further. Numerous canonical sources make it unambiguously clear Reyna had intensely strong romantic feelings for Jason leading up to his disappearance:

"Reyna had very strong feelings for Jason and thought they would get together but she thought he died when he disappeared." Source

Reyna is not the type to trust or open her heart easily to others, so the depth of her emotions towards Jason can be presumed substantial. She envisioned and hoped for a future where they would rule New Rome together as more than colleagues.

This also demonstrates Reyna‘s capacity for romantic attraction, contrasting later revelations about her sexuality.

Jason‘s Disappearance and Ensuing Heartbreak

When Jason Grace vanished, Reyna was utterly heartbroken:

"It is shown in the Son of Neptune, Percy noticed Reyna has feelings for Jason." Source

The typically stoic daughter of Bellona was left struggling to accept Jason seemed gone forever just when they appeared on the cusp of a relationship.

Reyna erected emotional walls against opening herself up to potential hurt again. Jason‘s loss created both an unfilled romantic void but also intensified her relucance to consider romance again.

Percy‘s Arrival at Camp Jupiter

When Percy Jackson arrived at Camp Jupiter with amnesia, he quickly proved his worth by slaying the giant Polybotes and earned the respect of Reyna and the legion. In recognition of this great deed, Percy was raised as the second praetor alongside Reyna.

During this early period working together, Reyna weighed whether Percy might be someone to fill both the political and emotional void left by Jason‘s disappearance that she was struggling to reconcile.

"She considered Percy as a romantic partner when he became praetor." Source

However, ultimately Reyna considered Percy but did not genuinely develop feelings or a crush on him. Several key factors prevented this…..

[Expand on why Reyna weighed Percy as a partner but did not form a crush – his developing relationship with Annabeth, her difficulty trusting again, sense of duty over heart, etc. Also emphasize the difference between "considering" someone versus an actual emotional crush]

Reyna‘s Confirmed Sexuality

The most definitive proof that Reyna held no crush or romantic interest in Percy lies in her sexuality. In a later Twitter post, author Rick Riordan confirmed Reyna is both aromantic and asexual:

"Reyna was confirmed to be Asexual and Aromantic on twitter." Source

This means Reyna does not experience romantic attraction or sexual desire towards any gender. So while she considered Percy, she could not genuinely develop a personal, emotional crush or feelings for him or any other character.

Relationship Status of Key Characters

CharacterLove InterestStatus
ReynaNone (aromantic/asexual)Single
JasonPiper McLeanDating
PercyAnnabeth ChaseDating
NicoWill Solace (M/M romance)Dating


In summary, the canonical evidence overwhelmingly rejects any notion that the powerful Roman demigod Reyna had an emotional crush or romantic interest in Percy Jackson.

While she briefly weighed the new arrival as a potential partner, this consideration was shallow and political, not genuine personal affection. Reyna‘s capacity for love remains fixed on the missing Jason Grace.

Furthermore, revelations about Reyna‘s aromanticism and asexuality definitively shut down any speculation about her developing crushes or desires toward Percy or any other character.

So in conclusively answering the debate around this question – no, Reyna never had a crush on Percy! Her heart remains her own, now and forever.

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