Yes, Shao Kahn Has Defeated Onaga Multiple Times to Claim Outworld‘s Throne

As an avid Mortal Kombat gamer and lore enthusiast, I can definitively say Shao Kahn has overcome his arch-nemesis Onaga on two key occasions – first by betrayal to initially seize the throne of Outworld, and later by deception when a resurrected Onaga returned seeking revenge. Their epic rivalry for supremacy is one of the most iconic in MK‘s many intricately woven storylines.

The Dragon King‘s Fall: Onaga‘s Original Defeat via Shao Kahn‘s Treachery

According to archived texts from Edenia‘s libraries detailing Outworld‘s early history, eons ago the realm was ruled by Lord Onaga, known as the Dragon King. A member of the ancient Naknada race, Onaga possessed fearsome power – he could command dragons in battle and even resurrect the dead. His empire encompassed over half a million different territories across the realm.

Yet despite all this power, Onaga‘s downfall began with misplaced trust. His closest advisor, a warlord named Shao Kahn, betrayed him by poisoning his drink. With Onaga incapacitated, Shao Kahn then enacted a brutal coup, slaughtering many nobles still loyal to the Dragon King.

By the time Onaga recovered, he had lost his army and supporters. Shao Kahn defeated him in personal combat and imprisoned his broken body in a tomb, trapped in unwilling slumber through dark sorcery. This marked the end of Lord Onaga‘s reign after over 10,000 years ruling Outworld. In his place, the treacherous Shao Kahn established his own dictatorship.

The Return of the Dragon King: Onaga‘s Resurrection and Quest for Revenge

Nearly 5000 years after, during Shao Kahn‘s attempts to merge Earthrealm with Outworld, strange signs began emerging across the realms – visions of dragon wings stirring, sightings of souls long passed. Then Shujinko, chosen champion of an Elder God, discovered Lord Onaga‘s tomb had been emptied.

Somehow, through means still not fully understood, Lord Onaga had regained corporeal form and returned to the realms of the living. Many theories persist on how he was able to resurrect himself even after millennia as an incapacitated corpse – perhaps his Naknada lineage allowed his spirit to reconstitute over time, or maybe he escaped limbo through sheer force of will alone.

Regardless, the Dragon King lived again, his strength renewed with a singular drive – vengeance against Shao Kahn. He swiftly reassembled old alliances from his original reign. Onaga‘s powers also seemed enhanced from interacting with primordial energies in the Netherrealm during his exile, as he could fully control even the mightiest of souls.

Empowered further by recovering ancient relics called Kamidogu, the Dragon King was an even greater threat than before. As Shao Kahn realized his rival had returned, he knew this time he could not face him in direct kombat and hope to win.

Final Showdown: Shao Kahn Slays Onaga with Deception and Poison

Their fated rematch came during the Battle of Armageddon, when warriors from all realms converged to determine ultimate supremacy. Shao Kahn rode into battle, wielding his Wrath Hammer against Onaga‘s forces. The two arch-enemies faced each other, exchanging threats and insults. "You will taste death once more, pretender to my throne!" Onaga roared.

But the wily Shao Kahn had planned his foe‘s downfall in advance. As they clashed, he unleashed his war hammer‘s power directly at Onaga, catching him off guard. The Dragon King was sent hurling backwards, right onto the blades of Prince Goro, smeared with poison.

"Feel what I endured for millennia, ‘your highness‘ !" Shao Kahn mocked his paralyzed foe. Goro held Onaga pinned while Shao Kahn relentlessly bludgeoned the Dragon King with his hammer. At last, the beaten Onaga collapsed and moved no more. Shao Kahn had defeated him once again through treachery.

Timeline of Key Events

Over 10,000 years agoOnaga rules Outworld after conquering 500,000 realms. His empire lasts for millennia.
5,000 years agoShao Kahn poisons and imprisons Onaga, taking the throne of Outworld for himself.
50 years agoOnaga resurrects and escapes his tomb, seeking revenge after 5000 years.
Present DayShao Kahn pretends to parlay, then forces Onaga onto poison blades wielded by Prince Goro, defeating him.

The Symbolism Behind a Storied Rivalry

As someone who reveres Mortal Kombat‘s rich lore, this primal rivalry between Shao Kahn and Onaga for me symbolizes the cyclical nature of power and treachery. Both were willing to resort to deception and dishonor to seize control of Outworld at different points in its bloodstained history.

Onaga‘s defiance of death itself to return and reclaim his throne also shows an indomitable fighting spirit valued by any true fan. And while Shao Kahn‘s methods were underhanded, one must credit his ruthless cunning in finding ways to defeat an superior opponent not once, but twice.

Their warring over Outworld‘s crown is a timeless tale of betrayal and vengeance that reminds us no empire lasts forever. I eagerly await the next chapter in this iconic conflict between Mortal Kombat‘s power-hungry titans!

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