Did Son Goku become a god?

Yes, Son Goku does attain divine powers and access godly transformations in the Dragon Ball series, but he does not fully become an eternal god.

Goku‘s Path to Godhood

In Battle of Gods, Goku becomes a Super Saiyan God after undergoing a ritual with other Saiyans. This unlocks incredible power beyond his previous Super Saiyan forms. However, this state is temporary.

Later, in Dragon Ball Super, Goku learns to absorb the divine energy into his base form, allowing him to transform into Super Saiyan Blue. This evolution combines his mortal Super Saiyan state with divine ki.

So while Goku has reached god-levels of strength, he only temporarily borrows such power. He has not become an eternal deity.

What Prevents Goku From True Godhood

There are a few key reasons Goku remains a mortal despite his insane power gains:

  • His Saiyan Biology – As a Saiyan, Goku is inherently limited in how much divine energy he can contain. His mortal body cannot handle such power permanently.

  • Lack of Official Appointment – Goku would need to go through proper procedures to earn an official god status. He has not undergone any appointment to a role like Supreme Kai or God of Destruction.

  • Mortal Lifespan – As strong as he gets, Goku is still bound to the mortal coil. His power does not make him exempt from aging or death without outside help. Only divine beings like Angels can have natural immortality.

Can Goku Ever Become a True God?

While extremely improbable, there are hypothetical methods for Goku to shed his mortality and attain complete godhood:

  • Official appointment by Zeno or Grand Priest to an immortal role.
  • Fusion with an eternal being like the Dragon Shenron.
  • Making a wish for god-status or immortality using Super Dragon Balls.

Barring such unlikely events, Goku appears fated to walk the path of a mortal no matter how much divine power he borrows from the gods! His story remains engaging exactly because he has limits to transcend.

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