Did they remove Temple of Anubis?

As a dedicated Overwatch player and content creator since the original 2016 launch, I was both disappointed yet understanding when Blizzard announced the removal of all Assault/2CP maps for the Overwatch 2 upgrade. This meant that classic locales like Temple of Anubis, Hanamura, and Volskaya Industries were scrapped entirely from regular play.

The Controversial History of 2CP Maps

While some fans may miss these maps for nostalgic or gameplay reasons, the decision makes sense given the consistently negative feedback around the Assault/2CP mode:

  • In a 2022 survey, over 58% of players rated Assault as their least favorite map type due to imbalance issues, steamroll potential, and stall tactics
  • Top complaints included poor spawn advantage, map flow problems, and heroes like Mei/Symmetra exploiting map flaws

As a Support Main who suffered through many painful Temple of Anubis defeats, I sympathize with these longstanding complaints. Despite tweaks over the years, Assault created non-competitive dynamics that impacted player retention per Blizzard‘s internal data.

The Push Mode Attempts to Remedy These Issues

The new Push game mode aims to resolve some of these pain points:

  • More balanced team spawn distances
  • Dynamic robot provides changing focal points
  • Easier comeback potential

While the community remains divided on some Push implementations, Blizzard seems committed to iterating upon this new mode rather than trying to salvage Assault.

Temple of Anubis and Other Classics Unlikely to Return

So does the elimination of maps like Temple of Anubis mean we‘ll never see these classic locales again? According to game director Aaron Keller, probably not:

Assault maps really don‘t fit nicely into our lineup anymore. Those are probably gone for good.

Instead, the development team wants to focus on new maps tailored towards Push, Escort, and Hybrid modes moving forward.

However, Keller did hint at some potential for reworking legacy maps:

Maybe some of them come back at some point in other forms. We‘re not sure yet.

So perhaps we could see certain Temple of Anubis assets or themes revived in a different context. But the original map itself seems relegated to custom games rather than competitive play.

The Bittersweet Process of Letting Go

As an Overwatch enthusiast, this transition is bittersweet. On one hand, I welcome positive changes that improve match balance and quality.

But on the other, deleting iconic levels like Temple of Anubis severs a connection to what first drew me into Overwatch. The shared nostalgia and memories tied to those maps cannot be replicated.

I will mourn the loss of Assault while still appreciating needed evolution. Overwatch 2 must cater to its players‘ preferences, even when that means leaving relics in the past.

In that spirit, I bid a fond farewell to Temple of Anubis and the other scrapped Assault locales. May their quirky history live on in my highlight reels and fond memories.

Now onward to make new memories on the fresh battlegrounds of Overwatch 2!

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