Did Vaas and Citra Have a Relationship? An Obsessive Bond Doomed from the Start

In short – yes, Vaas and Citra absolutely had a deeply dysfunctional relationship built on childhood trauma that evolved into obsessive attachment and ruthless manipulation. As one analyzes their history from youth to adulthood among the Rakyat tribe and central events in the Far Cry 3 story, their complex bond defies simple categorization. Yet it profoundly shaped them both, leading the fragile Vaas down a path to insanity and steely Citra to extremism.

The Seeds of Obsession Take Root in Their Childhood

According to original writer Jeffrey Yohalem, Vaas and Citra share common "wounds" from their unusual upbringing amongst the Rakyat people on the Rook Islands. These seeds would grow into Vaas‘ obsession and Citra‘s hunger for control.

Specific details on their parents and early years remain scarce in canon sources. But background material in the Far Cry wiki and developer interviews reveal:

  • They were born in the 1980s to Rakyat parents on the northern islands
  • The Rakyat people, while indigenous to the islands, have a unique cultural blend of mysticism and violence
  • From childhood, Vaas displayed an unusually deep affection and attachment to Citra
  • Citra possibly exploited this closeness, perhaps out of her own youthful needs

This early bond built the foundation for dysfunction. Citra nurtured Vaas‘ reliance on her, while Vaas‘ wired his life around gaining Citra‘s approval.

Adolescence Corrupts Their Bond into Obsession and Manipulation

As Vaas and Citra matured, their relationship only grew more twisted according to canonical sources:

  • In their teens, Vaas claims he first killed for Citra after growing up as Rakyat warriors
  • Citra continued grooming Vaas as her personal warrior to achieve her own ambitions
  • Vaas descends into instability and aggression but remains hopelessly attached to Citra
    -Volker recruits Vaas to lead his pirates, profiting off Vaas‘ broken psyche
  • Citra manipulates this separation, using it to strengthen her control over Vaas

By adulthood Vaas is desperate for Citra‘s validation, while Citra ruthlessly utilizes Vaas‘ weakness in her messianic rise in the Rakyat tribe, not unlike a cult leader.

Their adolescent experiences locked them into the mutually destructive dynamic defined byVaas‘ obsession and Citra‘s hunger for control.

The "Insanity" Monologue – A Window into Vaas‘ Tormented View of Citra

Fans analyze the subtext of Vaas‘ infamous "Insanity Monologue" for insights into his psychology and relationship with Citra:

I know it sounds crazy guys but she makes me do it. I don‘t want to do this stuff but, she tells me to. She orders me and I have to obey (screams). I mean sure I probably could talk her out of it, but the things she makes me do (imitates Citra) "Vaas do this thing Vaas do that, kill him, kill her". I‘m not to blame it‘s not my fault."

Source: Full Scene Video

This scene illustrates Vaas‘ internal agony over committing violence for Citra‘s sake and a desperate rationalization to avoid blame.

Popular theories argue that:

  • Citra emotionally manipulated Vaas from childhood into being her enforcer
  • Vaas struggles to take responsibility for his actions due to past trauma
  • Deep down, Vaas yearns to break away from Citra‘s control

The scene provides a glimpse into thepain that feeds Vaas‘ clinging obsession and volatile outbursts around Citra.

Citra Chooses Jason Over Vaas, Fracturing Their Bond

A pivotal moment occurs when Citra seemingly betrays Vaas to aid Jason Brody, a newcomer she selected as a mate and warrior.

Events leading up this major incident include:

  • Jason arriving on island and Vaas capturing him
  • Citra guides Jason‘s path while seducing him for the Rakyat tribe
  • Vaas experiences outbursts of jealousy over Citra favoring Jason
  • In a climatic encounter, Citra suddenly stabs an incapacitated Vaas to save Jason

This act symbolized Citra forsaking Vaas for her ambitions with Jason and the Rakyat. While Vaas‘ ultimate fate remains unknown, the event clearly ended any positive relationship between them.

Citra‘s later ritual mating and murder of Jason further cements her cold-hearted willingness to sacrifice anything, even family bonds, for control.

Conclusion – A Relationship Built on Dysfunction Ultimately Imploded

In summary, plentiful evidence shows Vaas and Citra shared a deeply dysfunctional relationship from childhood. Vaas‘ unstable attachment left him vulnerable to Citra‘s string-pulling to suit her own ends. This twisted situation molded them both into the power-hungry Citra and mentally feeble Vaas seen in Far Cry 3.

While some humanity may have lingered beneath Vaas‘ insanity, he remained chained to Citra‘s toxic influence. For Citra, she cared little if breaking Vaas gave her more pawns. Their brief moments of warmth likely faded fast against shared trauma.

In the end, anyredeeming love between them collapsed completely. When given the choice between Vaas and furthering her cult, Citra coldly moved to eliminate her childhood companion for good.

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