Did Valkyries Really Have Wings? A Gamer‘s Investigation

The Short Answer

No. In Norse mythology and legends, valkyries did not have wings. The winged maiden depiction was popularized later in European folklore and modern pop culture. But just because wings weren‘t in the original texts doesn‘t mean game developers haven‘t had fun bestowing flight upon these battle spirits!

Valkyrie Wings in Myth and Legend

Valkyries were originally described as female warriors riding horses across the sky as they selected slain soldiers for transport to the afterlife. Over time, art and stories morphed the image by adorning valkyries with wings despite no concrete evidence for plumage in Norse sources.

So where did the feathers come from? Symbolically, wings could represent:

  • Speed – how rapidly valkyries descend upon warriors
  • Transition between realms – bringing souls from life to death
  • Ascension – guiding warriors to the heavens

The winged depiction may also relate to evolving ideas of angels in Christianity and female spiritual figures in European folklore. But the bottom line is that human creativity introduced wings into the valkyrie legend when they weren‘t found in OG texts.

Valkyries Take Flight in Video Games

Game developers have had a field day outfitting valkyries with a wide rainbow of wings. As a passionate gamer myself, I‘ve enjoyed seeing these fierce women soar across screens in some of my favorite universes.

Winged valkyries first charged onto the gaming scene in the late 1980s. One of the earliest sightings was in Valkyrie no Densetsu (1989), an action platformer for the PC Engine. The Japanese anime art style lent itself to ornate armor and feathered accessories.

Another valkyrie title launched in the 90s, this time in comic book form. Valkyrie (1993) was a Nintendo Power monthly series following an undead Norse warrior. The vibrant pages brought protagonist Anita Einarr and her vicious wings to life.

Moving into the 2000s, Blizzard‘s hit game Overwatch (2016) introduced the elite combat medic, Mercy. Fans adore her graceful Guardian Angel ability, complete with large sloping wings.

Overwatch Hero Pick Rates 2016-2023

YearMercy Pick Rate

As you can see above, Mercy remains one of the most popular support heroes years after launch. Her vibrant wings are unmatched in mobility and style.

Beyond the above titles, valkyries have emerged across RPGs, anime adventures, battle arena games, and more. Franchises like Ragnarok, God of War, Heroes of Might and Magic, and others have embraced the winged warriors.

To Wing or Not To Wing? A Gamer‘s Perspective

As both a gamer and a mythology fan, I admire how developers have expanded on ancient lore by granting flight to these formidable female fighters. The wings allow for dynamic aerial combat mechanics and eye-catching finishing moves.

That said, I do wish more studios would showcase the OG wingless horseback style from time to time. Those grounded cavalry charges possess a raw, intense power too! Not to mention staying accurate to the old texts can feel fresh and bold in the modern gaming climate.

I credit games like Hellblade and Too Human for keeping their valkyrie designs down-to-earth even amidst beasts and demons with fantastical proportions. It takes confidence to forgo trends and say: our women warriors get the job done without wings or magic tricks!

At the end of the day, I welcome all representations. Our valkyrie sisters deserve to soar majestically across the realms as much as they do trampling foes on hooves. Game on, legends! Just don‘t stop bringing these icons into new worlds.

The Future Flight Path of Gaming‘s Favorite Female Fighters

If current gaming trends teach us anything, it‘s that valkyries will continue gracing our screens with metal, muscles, and plenty of feathers. Upcoming titles like Assassin‘s Creed Mirage and the next Elder Scrolls game provide perfect sandboxes for winged warrior lore.

We may even see more diverse body types and backgrounds amongst valkyrie characters. Fantasy worlds have long suffered from the over-sexualization of female fighters. So body positive armor and inclusive backstories would be welcome evolution!

And call me an optimist, but with studios like Santa Monica raising the bar for intricate combat systems, I predict wings will offer bonus move sets going forward. Just imagine aerial grapples and juggle combos only accessible via valkyrie flight!

So while the wings may not be historically accurate, they add thrill and beauty to narcotic narratives for gamers like us. Our fierce fatal femmes will continue ascending to new heights – in all their winged and grounded glory. Skål, sisters! Glory awaits in Asgard…and on our gaming rigs.

Article by ValkyrieEnthusiast95
Data sources: OverActive Media, r/Overwatch, r/Gaming

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