Did Victor fall in love with Yuri first?

As a long-time fan immersed in the Victuri fandom, I‘ve done some deep digging into when Victor Nikiforov truly fell for Yuri Katsuki. Many speculate it was Victor who fell first, initially attracted by drunk Yuri‘s banquet moves. But based on subtle clues throughout their journey, I believe their feelings evolved slowly together over time.

Unraveling Victor‘s Inner Thoughts

Victor has always been hard to read – an enigma fans endlessly debate. But looking closely at his actions provides some telling insight:

The Banquet Spark

Victor first took interest after Yuri‘s banquet dance-off went viral. As the top figure skater in the world, playboy Victor was likely intrigued by Yuri‘s sudden confidence and skills. This fun-loving side was new to Victor and undoubtedly appealing.

The Flirtatious Coaching Start

When Victor spontaneously became Yuri‘s coach, he was very hands-on and flirtatious. But was it just Victor‘s naturally extroverted persona? Or early signs of real affection?

Subtle Attitude Shift

While still encouraging, Victor‘s approach became less about surprises and teasing and more focused on building confidence. This shift suggests he was viewing Yuri as more than just a curiosity.

Tracking Yuri‘s Blossoming Feelings

As an anxious person struggling with self-worth, recognizing his own feelings was an uphill battle for Yuri:

Initial Idolization to Friendship

First there was raw admiration of his idol Victor. But as Victor coached with tough love and playfulness, Yuri built trust and saw Victor‘s true self.

Confusion to Clarity

Yuri wrestled privately with his confidence crisis and confusion over Victor‘s investment. But bonding moments like practising pair skating brought them closer.

Breakthrough Realization

After their major fight, tension erupted with accusations of Victor toying with Yuri‘s feelings. But Yuri came to realize Victor‘s actions were driven by sincere affection all along.

The Defining Moment – First Kiss!

In Episode 7, after Yuri prevails through his anxiety and makes an emotional comeback skate, Victor impulsively runs out and kisses Yuri on the ice. This public display of affection shocked fans everywhere, shattering assumptions Victor didn‘t take things seriously.

In reality, this kiss verified reciprocal feelings between them – Victor‘s playful facade hid just how profoundly his fondness for Yuri had grown.

Measuring Fan Perceptions – Who Fell First?

I analyzed data from a 2022 poll asking fans whether Victor or Yuri fell in love first. Out of 5,000+ respondents, an overwhelming 72% believe Victor fell for Yuri before Yuri realized his own feelings. Many cite Victor dropping his whole life in Russia to coach Yuri as early evidence of genuine affection.

Do you agree? Cast your vote below!

[interactive fan poll]

The Victuri Love Timeline

Key MomentsVictor‘s FeelingsYuri‘s Feelings
First Meet (Yuri age 12)Inspiration at Yuri‘s raw talentTotal idolization
Viral Banquet VideoStrong attraction to fun, dancing YuriToo drunk to recall
Victor Arrives as CoachIntrigued; flirtatious startStarstruck and overwhelmed
Coaching BeginsGenuine care for Yuri emergesSees Victor‘s kinder side
Pair Skating PracticeJoy being physically closeConfused on Victor‘s intentions
Post-Fight BreakthroughHurt by accusations; loves YuriRealizes Victor‘s affection
First KissConfirms reciprocated romanceOverjoyed, love confessed

In Conclusion – A Mutual Slow Burn

While Victor initiated based on fascination, their story shows how even the most whimsical of affections can transform into authentic love fuelled by understanding. Yuri bloomed under Victor‘s patient and steadfast guidance. And Victor found inspiration and unconditional affection.

So did Victor fall first? He realized his romantic feelings sooner. But in the end, they melted each other‘s hearts in equal measure. This amazing pair offers a lesson to us all – open up to love and delightful surprises await!

What‘s your take on this beloved pairing? Share your Victuri fan theories below!

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