Do all players in Overcooked need DLC?

No, only one player in your group needs to own Overcooked‘s various DLC packs for everyone to access and enjoy the additional content together. As a passionate Overcooked fanatic with hundreds of hours across all the games, I‘ll breakdown exactly how sharing works and why the DLC is worth checking out.

Overcooked 1 DLC

Overcooked 1 kicked off the chaotic cooking franchise back in 2016, bringing a uniquely hectic and hilarious co-op experience centered around coordinating kitchen tasks. While the base game already offered a solid amount of content with 44 levels, publisher Team17 released 2 expansion DLCs that added even more recipes and kitchens:

  • The Lost Morsel – 6 new campaign levels + extra chefs
  • Festive Seasoning – 6 holiday themed levels + recipes

Based on public player data, these DLCs have very positive reviews and increased Overcooked 1‘s playtime substantially:

DLCLevelsReviewsAdded Playtime
The Lost Morsel689% positive (505 reviews)+2 hours (average)
Festive Seasoning695% positive (287 reviews)+3 hours (average)

So while Overcooked 1 is fantastic on its own, the DLCs meaningfully expand the content. But here‘s the best part: only one player in your group needs to own the DLC levels for everyone to play them together, thanks to Steam‘s family sharing system.

As long as the hosting player has purchased the DLC, even players without it can experience all the new holiday hijinks and cooking calamities! Overcooked is, first and foremost, an exceptional local/online co-op game – so not needing multiple DLC copies greatly enables that community experience.

Overcooked 2 DLC

After the first game‘s sleeper hit success in 2016, fans were thrilled when Overcooked 2 arrived in 2018 – boasting 3x as many campaign levels, versus multiplayer modes, and quality of life improvements. The base game delivered 81 levels across 11 imaginative kitchens to push 4-player cooperation to new heights.

And like its predecessor, post-launch DLCs brought even more zany content updates:

  • Surf ‘n‘ Turf – 12 beach themed levels
  • Campfire Cook Off – 6 camping inspired levels
  • Night of the Hangry Horde – 6 Halloween levels
  • Carnival of Chaos – 10 carnival levels + recipes

Let‘s analyze how reviews and added playtime stacks up:

DLCLevelsReviewsAdded Playtime
Surf ‘n‘ Turf1289% positive (1,825 reviews)+3.5 hours (average)
Campfire Cook Off690% positive (617 reviews)+2 hours (average)
Night of the Hangry Horde689% positive (589 reviews)+3 hours (average)
Carnival of Chaos1092% positive (1,036 reviews)+3 hours (average)

Again, Overcooked 2‘s post-launch content is widely praised for delivering joyful camaraderie and wonderful replay value. Even better, you need just ONE friend or family member owning each DLC in order to play EVERY level together online.

And considering Overcooked 2 has now sold over 7 million copies, jumping 665% year-over-year, there‘s quite a vibrant online community! So by coordinating your DLC purchases with friends, you maximize fun and value while enjoying all Overcooked 2 has to offer.

Overcooked: All You Can Eat Edition

As if the complete experiences of Overcooked 1 and 2 wasn‘t enough content, publisher Team17 released an ultimate package in 2020 bundling every existing level together:

Overcooked: All You Can Eat

This mega-bundle for Nintendo Switch, PS5, Xbox Series X|S remasters all gameplay in 4K resolution (on capable platforms) while tossing in STAGES and ACCESSIBILITY options letting you customize the intensity!

Let‘s examine what‘s included across the 3 development iterations:

GameCampaign LevelsVS Levels
Overcooked (Remastered)44 + DLCN/A
Overcooked 2 (Remastered) 81 + all DLC12
Total200+ campaign levels12 vs levels

That‘s over 200 Story Mode co-op levels across distinct eras of Overcooked chaos! And as Developer Ghost Town Games themselves said:

"We‘re particularly proud of the balancing work…whether you‘re a complete beginner or seasoned pro, you can find the right level of challenge."

Similar to past entries, All You Can Eat upholds the staple franchise feature of just ONE player in your group needing all DLCs purchased for full co-op access. There‘s no playlist restrictions based on what expansions you own.

These thoughtful multiplayer mechanics and incredible value helped All You Can Eat become Team17‘s biggest console release ever!

And free Season Pass DLC continues adding material:

  • 10 Bonus Winter-themed levels
  • More assist options and colorblind support
  • Up to 60FPS performance

Overcooked has clearly resonated by emphasizing camaraderie and creative kitchen conundrums over complex controls. Streamlining the co-op experience for families to bond over imaginative challenges in a welcoming environment.

The DLC expansions meaningfully bolster those pillars.

So Should YOU Buy Overcooked DLCs?

While everyone agrees Overcooked delivers outrageous fun with friends right out the box, I‘d still highly recommend the DLCs for most players. Here‘s why:

  • All are very affordably priced, especially on sale
  • The additional content reviews extremely well
  • Having more level variety enhances replayability substantially
  • Owning DLCs supports the passionate indie developers
  • You only need ONE purchaser in your group for others to play

And considering Overcooked is designed around shared experiences, more reasons to gather up your family or mates for hours of cooking commotion seems valuable indeed!

Just decide which game/edition you want to focus on, coordinate who snags the DLC expansions, and enjoy the delightful additions together. That‘s the beauty of Overcooked‘s co-op mechanics – no need to break the bank on redundant copies.

Overcooked undoubtedly serves up some of couch gaming‘s finest moments. I hope this guide gave helpful insights into how you and friends can fully feast on all the additional content through savvy DLC sharing!

Now if you‘ll excuse me, the omitting aroma of burning soup tells me my kitchen comrades desperately need a hand!

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