Do animals still exist in Cyberpunk 2077?

Yes, some animals do still exist in the Cyberpunk 2077 world as of 2077, but many species have gone extinct or become extremely rare over the decades leading up to this point. Humankind‘s relationship with nature has been radically transformed by uncontrolled industrialization, pollution, climate change, disease outbreaks and controversial extermination policies.

The Long Decline of Animals Before 2077

The road to 2077 saw devastating losses in global biodiversity:

2021Avian flu wipes out most birds around Night City
2030sToxic algal blooms destroy marine ecosystems
204785% of animal species extinct compared to 2020
2061Night City council orders elimination of remaining birds
2071 Biotechnica perfects early lab-grown meat

With food scarce and habitats ruined, few mammals could still breed sustainability near cities. But corporations preserved high-value species genetics.

The State of Animals in 2077

Here‘s an overview of remaining creature categories:

Pets and Livestock

The wealthy keep popular pets like dogs, exotic fish, and gene-modified "designer" species as status symbols. Farm animals remain in badlands, while cities use vat proteins.


Unfortunately, hardy mammal pests like rats, raccoons and squirrels still multiply rapidly. Insects constantly challenge exterminators too.

Wildlife Preserves and Badlands

In remote areas, some wild animals like deer endured. But invasive species disrupt ecosystems now lacking predators.

Returning from Extinction

Advanced biotech resurrects limited numbers of iguanas, budgies and other extinct species. But Lazarus animal populations stay small, triggering calls for tighter regulations.

The Complex Future of Animals in 2077

While animals remain part of Cyberpunk 2077‘s setting, ecosystems and human relationships with nature have transformed radically. Powerful technologies provide unprecedented control over biodiversity, but policies still lag behind innovations. Further extinctions could still lie ahead unless priorities shift on climate, industrialization and conservation.

Regardless of one‘s views, this imagined timeline sees humankind‘s ties with animals reach an inflection point. We can hope its dark future inspires lessons leading to a better path ahead for all species.

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